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Next few days went like same, She avoided him the best she can. Yash too tried many times to corner her but everytime someone might be needing something , they will come looking for her or ask her to do something for them .

Yash too didn't forced her since he knows if someone saw them like that they gonna talk nonsense so he let her do her tantrums as he thought.

On the ninth day of Navratri, Seema's younger sister Aditi came. As she was not able to come earlier due to her exams.

Aditi is a very beautiful girl with hot body, many boys proposed her in the college and she knows about her looks and always thinks that she can have any guy she wants.

Amit and Yash went to pick her from the station as she lives in the city due to her college. 

Amit went inside the railway station and Yash stood near the car taking phone calls from the manager as he is not able to join the office for the last 10 days, so he was working from the home only and whenever something important which needed his attention he asked his manager to contact him .

Aditi came along with Amit while they both were talking happily. Amit think her like his sister as she is 2 years older then Shivi and he always took care of her since he and seema got married. 

When her eyes falls on Yash she was spell bound . She never say such handsome man in her life even in her college.  He was looking so handsome in black shirt which he has rolled his sleeves till his elbows and was wearing a wristwatch in his left hand. He fair skin and red lips took her breath way. While talking he kept biting her lower lip as if control his anger. He was a bit away from them that they didn't able to listen what he was saying, but when he suddenly looked in their direction Aditi's breath hitched when she saw his beautiful forest green eyes. She has never saw anyone such beautiful and masculine person in her life and when many guys have proposed her in her college but no one was like him who could've took her breath away. She immediately blushed thinking he was looking at her.

Yash who was busy talking with his manager saw Amit and a girl standing beside him thinking that she must be seema's sister and turned his back on them as he was really angry on his manager as he almost messed up their contract which they were working on for many days. He shouted on him to work carefully if he didn't worked all night and prepare documents again they don't know what would have happened.

Not only his manager but Shivi too is hell bent on making his life hell as she was ignoring him from the last week. He was very frustrated and damn angry on her. He just wants to take her him to their home so that he can teach her a lesson and hold her in his arms. He didn't able to sleep peacefully since she started sleeping with his sister.

After cutting the call he came towards them. Amit already kept her luggage in the car trunk.

Yash without saying anything sat in the passenger seat of the car . Aditi who thought that he gonna say something to her as she alway gets attention from the guys got so shocked when he without paying any attention to her and sat inside the car.

She too sat in the back seat and Amit too took his seat and started the car .

Yash again started checking his mails on his phone. Suddenly asked him,"How did your call went?? Everything okay!!!."
Yash said," Nothing yrr you know how these employees are!!." in an irritated voice.

Amit only laughed on his frustration and shook his head. Yash signed and said," don't laugh and here your sister is making my life hell too!!! God should mercy my poor soul." 

Amit too started laughing hard and said," Dude my sister didn't do anything. Here my sister is lamb who got stuck with a lion like you". Yash's cheeks flushed due to the embarrassment and he immediately changed the topic.

Suddenly they both heard a throat clearing from the back seat and turned to look in the back seat.
Aditi who heard their talks didn't like good as Yash didn't paid any attention to her. So she intentionally did cleared her throat to get their attention. 

When Yash's eyes fall on her face, She again blushed and lowered her eyelashes. She didn't able to meet his intense which was something new for her as she is a confident girl who loves to look in the persons eyes while talking to them . Her own behaviour was shocking for herself. 

When Amit turned back and looked Aditi immediately remembered about her too and said," Sorry Yash I forgot to introduce you both!! She is Seema's younger sister Aditi, studying in Mumbai doing her designing course from there. Aditi he is Yash Shivi's husband!!!" When she heard that her eyes widened and she lowered her eyes as she noticed a ring in his ring finger. She was soo shocked when came to know that he is already married .

Yash only nodded in her direction as turned his head to look forword without saying anything.  Aditi didn't liked it one bit and thought to herself that she will make him fall for her.

Aditi is very strong headed girl when she liked something she wants to own it at any cost, and Yash is what she wanted in her life. It is the first time she liked someone and she will make him herself , so what he is already married, she thought.  She knows that no one can escape her beauty. But what she doesn't know is that Yash is already in love with his wife, about whom he is obsessively possessive .

Yash founds no one as beautiful as her for his eyes.

Aditi didn't knows that she is going to wake up sleeping loin who will only leave her after destroying her!!!!.



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