122. Chapter one hundred and twenty-two

Start from the beginning


His words are cut off by Aoi's fist slamming on the back of his head, "STOP STEALING THE FOOD!! Here! If you want some food, take this!!" Aoi scolds as she holds out a platter of food, and Inosuke snatches it as he runs off with a weird laugh as he had the tray in the air- I stare at his retreating back with a deadpan.

"Hm? Is there something you need?" I hear Aoi asks me as she looks over at me, looking up due to our height differences. I look down at her, "I was curious what you were making, can I have some of them? The Taiyaki." I tell her, and she hums as she grabs a small tray where she places some fresh Taiyaki on them.

She looks over at me with a subtle smile, "here you go." She tells me, and I take it in my hands appreciatively, "thanks, Aoi." I thank her, "Aoi! Aoi! Ms. Momoko's gonna stay with us for 2 more years!!" The girls all yell out as they had a flowery aura, Aoi perks up from the words they said, "really? That seems good. But I thought you had to get to your friends soon?" Aoi asks as she blinks her blue eyes.

"Well... my friend Luffy... he gave a code through the paper... in 2 years and 3 days, we'll return to the place that we got separated at..." I say as I swallow thickly as I close my eyes slightly before snapping them open immediately.

Aoi eyes me, before nodding in understanding. "Alright then... well, why don't you return to whatever you were planning on doing." She says as she changes her tone as she gives me a small smile, and I return it with a slight tug of my lips.

"C'mon!! We can show you were the hot springs are, Ms. Momoko!!" Sumi exclaims, and I hum as I walk with them towards the hot springs as I continue to hold on my platter of Taiyaki.

ooo. it was the following night, and I couldn't sleep. Not when my dreams had Ace's face in them, so Instead- I quietly get up from the hospital bed in order to not disturb any of the other people trying to sleep in the other hospital beds.

As I walk to the direction the girls showed me earlier this day, I let out a breath from my nose as I find the hot springs that were located on the girls side, where I slip into the springs as I let out a relaxed sigh as I lean back against the stones that were there- my scared back was given relief to me as I look back up at the dark skies.

My eyes gaze at the individual stars that littered the sky. I swallow thickly as I splash some of the hot spring water over my face- stopping my thoughts of Ace. "Ace... you would've wanted me to move on..." I swallow as I force my bottom lip to not quiver as my eyes were rested close.

Then, I sink into the water a bit more, and just as I look up again, and I snap my head behind me to see Boar mask, "Inosuke!! That's the wrong side!!" Tanjiro yells from outside of the place behind a wooden board, and soon- I gain a irk mark as Inosuke ignored Tanjiro and runs to jump in, but he's quickly beat, having to hold his head that had swollen bumps.





ooo. after I had gotten a Yukata on, where I was standing with my arms crossed, across from me, were the trio. Tanjiro had profusely apologized for his idiotic friend Inosuke, who had many steaming red bumps littering his head as he held it, though he stayed tough, whilst Zenitsu was moping as he was talking about how "it should have been him." Though it made me give him a punch across his head, making him have a large steaming red bump that got a measly bandaid.

"I apologize for-"

"Don't apologize. Because if anyone whose guilty... ITS THAT IDIOT!!" I threaten Inosuke.





"Please don't kill him!" Tanjiro pleas as he was in the way.



ooo. after managing to stop the fight, Tanjiro lets a breath out as I sit back and lean back a bit as my leg was proped up, Zenitsu and Inosuke were gone for now- Inosuke made a challenge that he would beat my ass or whatnot.

I sigh out in annoyance. "That boar head is more of a idiot than Luffy..." I mumble in annoyance, and Tanjiro blinks at the sound of Luffy's name. "Excuse me, but whose that person your talking about?" Tanjiro asks as he blinks his maroon eyes, and I look at him.

"Oh, Luffy? He's a friend of mine." I answer as I look over at him, and Tanjiro eyes me- I note the boy had something on his mind, as if something was on the tip of his tongue.

"Say whatever your thinking. I can handle it." I tell him as I let a breath out as I watch him as he blinks as he straightens up. "Well... I know it seems rude to ask you this but... who- who was that Ace person you cried about?" He asks, and I stay silent as I look over at him, some water from my wet hair drips onto my shoulder as it was dead silence.

"I apologize for the question!! You dont have to-"

"He was my best friend..." I cut Tanjiro's frantic panicking changes into a blink as he looks at me with surprise in his maroon colored pupils. "He... is?" He asks with the blink of his eyes as he leans back once again from his sitting position.

I look out to the outside of the engawa where I note the rain that was starting to come down, hitting the Hydrangeas- the water droplets slipping down each petal. My eyes waver at them, before letting a breath out from my nose as I look over at the boy whose bottom lip was jutted out as he looks at me.

I set my eyes down as my head was lowered, "I see... he must've been a good friend." He says as he gives me a soft smile, and I blink as my head was lifted up as my eyes roam his face, more so his soft smile, my lips go agape before pressing them again as I look at him as he gives me a closed eye smile.

"I suppose the fool was..." I say quietly as I had my face placed on my hand palm as I look out, before my lips pull up. "What a moron... getting himself killed..." I say quietly as Tanjiro putts his lips out as he looks at me worriedly. "Oh... I'm sorry for your loss." He tells me as he looks at me empatheticly, I flick my eyes at him. "It's fine..." i say quietly as I stand up before turning and going to leave, though I look over my shoulder at him. "Have a good night, Tanjiro."

ooo. as the months would pass, I would train with the three boys, until I eventually got tired of the training they did, I could tell I wasn't improving in my actual fighting ways- at least not this way. So instead, when I learned of a forest just out of the way of the people who stay here's way- I decided that I would fight in there for at least a few months there, then... I don't know, maybe work on my devil fruit? I'll see where the wind takes me.

Now, I was approaching the forest- I had some lunch boxes secured on my back, I let a breath at as I take my sword and unsheathe it before my gaze focuses forward.

'Time to go... I promise... I'll get stronger...'

one piece extras ;
ooo. the forest is filled with many strong creatures
ooo. aoi made Momoko all that food
ooo. the butterfly girls(naho, sumi, & kiyo)were worried for momoko
ooo. momoko's mentor will most likely be in the forest 👍🏼

1970 words

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