24. chapter twenty-four

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' HONEY . . . '
──a one piece fanfiction
created / edited

authors note ;
ooo. let me know if i should make another book 🙊
ooo. i hope gojo doesn't live 🙂
ooo. this chapter's kinda short

ooo. as we continue to go through the desert, i was walking next to ace, since my legs were starting to get all sore from sitting, it was pretty quiet- except for the soft sounds of everyone's footsteps, and the panting from the heat: chopper was passed out, and i was burning up though i didn't want to sit on lashes since he was all fur and it just made it worse.

Me and ace were at the back as i fan myself with my hand, we were silent: of course between the two of us- it was more of a comfortable silence. Luffy goes to drink the water but he spills some of it by drinking it sloppy, and i gain a irk mark as i glare at the boy: i was too hot to argue though. Usopp grabs the mug of water from luffy as some water spills on the ground, "what are you doing?! Ah!! Stop spilling all the water you slob!" Usopp shrieks at luffy.

Luffy puts his hands on his hips as i gain a another irk mark, "what's the big deal? Ace brought plenty of water for everybody." Luffy questions with a raise of his brow, i clench my fists as i try and contain my annoyance; "We still need to conserve, so stop hogging all the water!" Usopp reprimands. "Why's it okay if sanji does?" Luffy replies, and i gain another irk at luffy's annoyingness. "This is for nami-san, so if she gets dehydrated and cries out for water, i'll be there to rescue her~!" Sanji swoons.

I deadpan at sanji, "Nami-san~! Vivi-san~! You care for some water?! And how about you momoko-chan~?!" Sanji swoons, holding the jug. I just sigh at his behavior, "give me some!" Luffy says as he runs to sanji, before grabbing it... but it results in some water spilling. I grit my teeth as i gain more irk marks, "thats it... I'm going to kill them..." I storm as the three were fighting and making the sand move up.

I grab the three of them by their ears, "YOU ARE SO IN TROUBLE!! NOW STOP FIGHTING!! SANJI YOU STAY IN THE MIDDLE, USOPP YOU IN THE FRONT, AND LUFFY IN THE BACK!! NOW GO!!" I bark- my older sister instincts appearing- which i wave off for now, "Whatever you say momoko-chan~!" Sanji swoons. "What?! Thats not fair i wanna be in the front..." luffy whines, "And how come he has to be in the back, huh?!" Usopp adds on.

I smile though i gain a dark look, my smile fake as i have a bittersweet smile on, "Aho~ so you wanna complain, huh?" I place my hands on their shoulders, the two start sweating a bit, i lean into their ears, "If you both continue fighting, i'll murder you with my own two hands, and then i'll turn your insides into your outsides." I threaten, before leaning out as i smile brightly, the two sweat, "now... what was that about this setup being unfair?" I hum.

The two stiffen, "nothing, ma'am!!" The two say stiffly, i clasp my hands, "good~!" I beam before turning around and walking next to ace who chuckles, the two boys immediately do as i wanted- luffy at the back, and usopp in the front: sanji was the only one who looked like he was fine with the situation."If i know you, i know that you probably threatened them with murdering them." Ace laughs, and i huff, "Of course i did." I hum, and he laughs at my words, "you surely are the same as i remember, just as aggressively caring as i remember." Ace laughs, and i hum in response. "Of course." I hum as i put my hands on my hips.

ooo. on a couch, was ace whose face was red- at this time- most likely from a fever, he also had a bandage wrapped around his torso, he looked about 17 years old at the time, his eyes creak open, before looking to the side where there was seemingly momoko whose hair was set down, he gains a confused look, "huh?" He looks confused, and as momoko turns her head to him.

his eyes widen as he stares, a soft hue of pink on his ears, "a... angel?" He ponders, then- he gets hit harsh on his head causing a bump to form. "I'm not an angel." She grumbles as she stares him down, her hands on her hips as she has a small frown with a irk mark, "W-wait... where am i- and who are you?" The young ace ponders- suspicious of the girl. "First off, my name's momoko, and second of all your in my house, and lastly: I JUST SAVED YOUR LIFE YOU MORON!! SERIOUSLY A THANK YOU WOULD BE NICE!!" The young Momoko rages with a irk mark as she places her hands on her hips as she leans in.

The young ace blinks, "Wait... you saved my life?" The young ace questions as he stares, and she huffs as she leans back and eyes him- her brown eyes making contact with ace's black owns.

ooo. the memory fades as i huff and cross my arms, "I still can't believe you were the one who saved my life, ahahha!!" He laughs heartedly, and i gain another irk mark, "Yeah!! But at what cost?! i lost my sword because of your tom foolery!!" I bark as me and ace walk past the idiots who were fighting against some scorpion, ace pouts.

"Eh?! But i helped you get it back!" Ace pouts, and i grumble, "Yeah... BUT I HAD TO DO THAT EMBARRASSING ASS THING SO WE BOTH WOULDNT GET CAUGHT!!" I rage as i gain more irk marks in annoyance. A thought of that scene which was blured as it wasn't time for me to show- wait... what-

( technical difficulties )

I look over my shoulder as me and ace pause, and i see sanji holding what seems to be a scorpion's claw- and i sweatdrop at the sight of it. "Hold on nami-san! I managed to save you the best part~!" Sanji says to nami, and she along with vivi shriek- i just sweatdrop. "This shrimp is so good!!" Luffy says as he eats, and i sigh in annoyance. Usopp then hits the back of luffy's head, "Its not shrimp! Its a scorpion!" Usopp says, i sigh as i place my hands on my hips.

"YOU GUYS ARE A BUNCH OF INCONSIDERATE JERKS!! LETS GO LASHES!!" Nami shouts, and i quickly turn my bottom half into clouds before seating on the middle seat of lashes. Nami smiles a bit, "Oh hey momoko." She says, and i smile back as i nod as i do a two finger wave.

"Woah, why is she so angry?" Luffy comments from nami's outburst.

one piece extras ;
ooo. a bit of the past between momoko and ace is shown (˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
ooo. momoko doesnt like sitting for long periods of time except when it comes to writing

1215 words

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