87. Chapter eighty-seven

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' HONEY . . . '
──a one piece fan-fiction
created / edited

authors note ;
ooo. i can always rely on the goat, chat GPT for studying 💪🏼

ooo. i chose to sneak back in with the others, i did however leave a sign that i was going solo for now back at the sunny, so now i was heading back to the other zombies.

( third person )

When the four, consisting of Franky, Robin, Chopper, and Usopp, were close to the sunny, they see a sign that said "i'll be disguised with the zombies, i'll see you guys later. Sincerely momoko." The sign says, "so thats where she's been, so she hasn't been captured yet! Phew, thats good." Usopp breaths out in relief.

( momoko's pov )

Apparently we have to give tons of food to some giant in this cold ass room that i swore i was going to freeze to death... all because of this stupid ass giant that wants food, which is sort of similar to how someone else that acts just like it's acting when it comes to hunger, and that person is Luffy, which is odd... hm.

Oh yeah, there was some ugly warlord guy that i dont care what his name is, there was some pink girl with a umbrella whose called Perona, or something like that, and there was a odd bear zombie that honestly was being treated horribly by Perona.

"My, thats quite a impressive apatite." Warlord guy comments as he looks at the giant. "Kumoci! Would you care to explain the reason why you were hiding those pirates?!" Perona accuses harshly, and i eye her with slight irritation.

Kumoci tries to explain itself, "stop talking!! It's not cute at all!!" Perona exclaims, 'but didn't you just ask for the reason why he hide my crewmates?' I raise a brow subtly. "Oh uh, thanks onion guy. Still, if your going to feed me, get more, this isn't enough. Also, this food kinda sucks." The gia- wait... how is it that he sounds like Luffy, acts like him, and eats like him?... oh god damn it... it better not be that he got his shadow taken or some shit like that and that shadow proceeds to posses the giants body or something stupid like that...

While the other zombies complain about his rudeness, i was mumbling profanities at him, 'isn't he supposed to be the strongest of our crew?!' I eye giant-Luffy harshly as i was muttering profanities as one of the zombies makes a comment about the warlord guy as pretty much king of the island, causing giant-Luffy's eyes to flick over to the arguing zombies, "what?" He asks harshly, causing the zombies to panic and bow, and i unfortunately have to bow as well as i wasn't planning on losing my disguise now.

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