Silent Fist II: Electric Boogaloo

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Onyx desperately wished she could kick one of them.


Onyx lay on her side, curled up in a tiny ball beneath the false bottom of a box. After a few minutes of staring at the darkness, she heard the special knock the magician in charge of the caravan they'd managed to talk into helping them had said he'd use. She pushed the wood up and flipped it underneath her, effectively escaping the box. "Not bad! You ought to join the circus," the magician said with a wink.

Jay, Cole, Nya, and Kai climbed out of another box. Jay immediately gave a clown a dirty look. "We can get you just outside of the Storm Farms, but you'll have to get to the power substation on your own. Good luck, and abracadabra!" The magician said, flicking his hand and vanishing in a cloud of smoke.

Jay coughed and waved the smoke away. "Showoff," he muttered. "I think he's kind of cool! He showed me a few tricks earlier," Onyx said, sneezing immediately after her sentence as the smoke tickled her nose. "So, Nya, shutting down this power substation. Can we really destroy the Overlord and his Nindroids by simply flipping a switch?" Cole asked. Nya waved a hand. "Cripple them, yes. Destroy, no. Once we've powered down his army, we still need to reboot the central computer with the Techno Blades. And don't forget, since he knows we have them, they aren't gonna let us just waltz in," she answered.

"It gives us a chance though. That's all we need," Onyx said. Jay frowned. "Whoa! Wait a minute, if shutting down the power turns off everything connected to it, wouldn't that mean P.I.X.A.L. too?" He said. Cole sighed. "Well, if Zane hasn't figured it out, don't tell him. If we're going to come across more Nindroids, we need to be on our A game," he said. Kai glanced around. "Speaking of which, where is Zane?" He asked. "I think Pixal was helping him with repairs," Onyx volunteered.

Onyx watched the magician, who had given her the name Dorama when she asked, do his tricks. He snapped his fingers, causing a burst of flame to flicker for a brief moment. "And how do you think I did that one?" He asked. "You had something red on your fingertips. Is it that stuff on the top of matches?" Onyx asked. Dorama looked begrudgingly impressed. "Close; it's a flammable powder derived from Kethanol. The friction from when I snap my fingers causes it to produce a brief flame for a moment. Here, you try," he said, handing her a tiny box of the powder.

Onyx tapped a little onto her fingertips and snapped. Her face lit up when the powder lit aflame, so quickly that it didn't even hurt. "Woah," she whispered. "Very nice! Now you just have to put a flair on it! After all, it's all about the performance," Dorama said, flicking his wrists. "Do you want this back?" Onyx asked, holding out the box of powder. Dorama waved a hand. "Oh, no! I have an entire crate full of it. If we ever meet again, then you may show me how much you've improved! Oh, but do keep it away from open flames and don't throw it at anything. It will explode," he said. Onyx smiled and tucked it into her pocket.

"Onyx, there you are! We're here," Kai said, popping his head into the room. Onyx gave Dorama a wave as she left the room, and he tipped his hat in return.

Onyx followed Kai through the train, collecting all the others except Cole and Nya, until they stepped into a car, finally finding the two. Was it Onyx's imagination, or did they quickly pull their hands away from each other? Kai coughed awkwardly. "Ha, oh, hope I didn't interrupt anything, 'cause we're here," he said. Onyx decided that she didn't want to get involved.


Outside the caravan was... not fun, to say the least. The sky crackled with electricity, the ground was barren and cracked, and huge metal towers stabbed up into the sky like spears. Onyx rubbed her ears, that incessant high-pitched ringing sound that she could sometimes hear from electronics that Wu insisted didn't exist assaulting her senses. Jay rubbed his arms. "Wow. There's... a lot of electricity," he said. Pixal yelped as lightning struck a tower near her, sending the ninja's hair straight up.

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