Chapter 17

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I wake up to a bang coming from the kitchen, I turn on my phone checking the time

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I wake up to a bang coming from the kitchen, I turn on my phone checking the time. 2:00am. I switch on the flashlight from my phone and get up, opening the door with caution and walking slowly to the kitchen.

"Hello?" I say peeking into the kitchen with my flashlight to see a person at the fridge. I flash the light on them to find out it was Chan. "Oh hello" he chuckles at me when he sees my hair in the air.

"This reminds me of when I found you here and we got drunk afterwards" I say trying to remember past events and he smiled slightly, taking out some juice and pouring it to a cup.
I sit on the counter just to give him some company.

"What was that bang?" I asked him and he looks at me confused.
"What bang?" I point around the kitchen
"There was no bang"
I swear there was a bang. It's how I woke up,
"Hm okay then!" I say swinging my legs around.
"Are you going to stay there?" He asks drinking from the cup and I nod.

It was silence for a bit until chan broke it.

"You remember that one Japanese song I showed you last time?" I try and remember. "The one that goes like "this is the sound" is it that one?" I ask.

"Yeah that one, I was planning for it in February 2023." He says
" didn't you guys just launch Case 143 Japanese + SKZ-REPLAY" I ask

"We'll get the month to relax and practise and I'll throw in a few more Japanese songs I have on my pc" he says and I agree

"Have you been enjoying  being back?" He asks
"Yeah I've been enjoying" I smile and he returns the smile.

"Have you been enjoying  being back?" He asks"Yeah I've been enjoying" I smile and he returns the smile

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Faint footsteps were getting closer to the kitchen and it was Han Jisung.

"Hello?" He says in a deep voice rubbing his eyes. "Han what are you doing awake?" Chan asks and Han just stand there.

"I woke up randomly" he says still processing what's going on
That's until Hyunjin, Changbin and Lee Know walk into the kitchen
"Is it normal for hyungs to be waking up at 2am" I say staring at them in confusion, slightly laugh.

From Seungmins room I could hear 3 different screams we all ran to his room and when we opened the door we saw Seungmin, Felix and Jeongin playing valorant.
When they realised the door was open they look at us in shock.

"WHAT THE FUCK?" Seungmin says.
I mean from their perspective it was probably terrifying seeing 6 people at your door.

"YOU DONT JUST WATCH PEOPLE" Jeongin adds and we laugh.
"Alls good don't worry! Since we're all awake do you all want to do something?" Hyunjin says
We all start thinking of things we can do to pass the night quicker.

"We can go to the 7/11 across the street and get some drinks" Changbin says and we all agree putting on the first thing we see and head out.

"Ahhh I love NewJeans" I say looking at my phone as I scroll through NewJeans songs
"You should be loving ours" Chan whispers into my ear as he puts his hand around my shoulders.

"Hm I'll think about it" searching up "Stray Kids" on Spotify and clicking on Chill and adding it to my liked songs.
"Better for you?" I ask, looking at him and he smiles at me revealing his dimples.
He seems sweeter. I think to myself looking behind me where the others were.

"My lips are dry" Hyunjin says applying lip balm onto them as he looks over at Changbin who was getting closer to him.
"They could kiss mine" he does kissy lips but Hyunjin pushes him away. "Yeah no" he laughs
"Still mad about how you died last?"

Seungmin asks Felix as he pouts and crosses his arm. "It's fine Felix, you'll do better next time" Jeongin says patting Felix head as he smiles at him. Felix couldn't stay mad when the Maknae was smiling at him.

"Hm fine" Felix says as he stops pouting and smiles with Jeongin.
We entered the 7/11 and got some drinks, they had a bit of alcohol but we just wanted to have a bit of fun.

We entered the 7/11 and got some drinks, they had a bit of alcohol but we just wanted to have a bit of fun

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We paid and went out and we did rock paper scissors to see who would hold the bag. Han lost and pouted as Minho handed him the bag.
We started walking back when we heard.
"It's so heavy!!" We turn around to see Han overreacting as he pretends that the bag is heavy.

"Grow up Han Jisung" Changbin says and Hyunjin high fives him.
"I WOULDNT BE TALKING HWANG HYUNJIN" Han says and Hyunjin turns around looking at him with his eyebrows raised.
"ITS HYUNJIN TO YOU" Hyunjin turned back to see that we all left them both to fight as we were way ahead. They ran to us.

"DONT RUN AWAY" Han says
"THERE COULD BE A MURDERER AND I DONT WANT TO DIE FIRST" Hyunjin says as he fake sobbed.
"Touché" Lee Know says as a small smirk started to appear in his face making Hyunjin hide next to Changbin.

Chan takes out the keys at opens the door and we all ran to Chans room and sat down waiting for him.
He opened the door and had the bag of drinks since Han had handed it to him.

"Did any of you leave a window wide open?" Chan asks and everyone shakes their head in response. "Then why is there a window wide open in the kitchen"

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