The Visitor

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"She doesn't want to. One revolution was enough for her, and she has no desire to contribute to another."

"Why not?" Maria asked, genuinely confused. "Why is she so ashamed? She fought and steered the way for the independence of a new country. She fought for liberty and won. That's something to be proud of."

"She's not ashamed, Maria." I defended my daughter without hostility. "She's scared. Revolutions are a bloody affair, and she was in the thick of it. She fought for liberty and won, but it came at a cost."

Maria sighed. "I just think of what she could do here. Emma doesn't have to fight, the things she could tell us, the stories she has of a successful revolution....... We could learn so much from her and she could become a huge inspiration to us all."

"Maybe." I smiled weakly. "But she's not ready to retread her past. News of this revolution is scaring her enough. I already had to tell the Abbot to stop the knight's regiments in the woods because their gunshots sent her into a panic attack."

Maria bristled at the mention of the knights, and was about to say something offensive about the Abbot's attack dogs when the doorbell rang. "Odd, the door's unlocked." I went to the door and opened it. "Good morning, there's no need to ring I'm open for business." My mouth went agape. "Boss above."

"Amalie, who is this?" Maria stared at the man in a weathered traveler's cloak and sandals, leaning against his walking stick.

"An old friend of mine." I smiled. "Eli, It's been years. Come in! Come in! Rest your feet."

The Mala'kh dipped his head and stepped in. We hugged each  other, fluttering our invisible wings over one another's shoulders. Maria shut the door to keep out the apparent wind. "Good to see you again, Amalie. I hoped you'd be here. When I heard about the doctor in Machecoul healing all the town's ills, I knew it had to be you. You've always had a way with medicine."

"Thanks. I learned a lot from my sister and from my mother-in-law's books. " I chuckled, already making a plate for him and Maria. "My husband too. Did Jocasta send you my way?"

"She did." He nodded pleasantly. "Told me it was you working miracles in this poor provincial town."

"Jocasta?" Maria blinked. "The noblewoman of Chaumes-en-Retz?"

"The very one." Eli strutted along,leaning on his staff. "She's well, though the current times have troubled her. The common folk haven't bothered her too much, thankfully, but she no longer allows them free access of the grounds. They must remain in the parlor and outer courtyards."

"Typical." Maria shrugged. "Keeping them penned like cattle while she enjoys the spoils of her chateau."

"She's not like that ." I snapped at Maria. "Jocasta is a charitable woman who gives back to the community."

"Apparently she's not giving back enough if the common folk are bothering her."

"Maria." I warned stiff. "You don't know what you're talking about." Though Maria now knew the existence of 'immortals', it was forbidden to reveal other members as angels.

"Peace, Amalie. Your friend just has a passionate heart." Eli calmed me, looking at Maria. "You are a supporter of the cause?"

"Yes. Very much." Maria stated proudly. "Are you?"

"I wish equality for all people." Eli stated. "Though I am neutral in action. I'm a nomad, I travel from place to place crossing countries and seeing the world. Sometimes I meet charming people I'm blessed to cross paths with again." He winked at me. "Is Emma here? Jocasta informed me she lives with you now."

Castlevania Nocturne: A Guardian's Tale (Part 1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang