- Part 1 -

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- Flashback -

It was last summer and we were sat on that wall together. My head rested on your shoulder and there was a faint smell of sea salt in the air. I remember how you looked at me under the moonlight. How your eyes sparkled as you looked down at me, just a glance feeling so comforting. I was foolishly in love with you. 

- Flashback to the start of last spring - 

 "I'm going to the store mom, i'll be back in a little while." I shout to my mom who is in the kitchen, folding laundry.

"Just be careful okay? Its dark out Libby." my mother said.

"Mom, I'm an adult now, you don't have to stress so much." I say as I slip on my beaten converse, the laces fraying. 

"I have to Libby, its my duty as your mother." she echoes across the house.

"Love you, be back soon." I say as I shut the door behind me. I guess I never got used to that strong smell that always hung about in the air. My feet crunched on the gravel beneath me, the wind blowing my hair about my face.

The store was small, just big enough for a handful of people to be inside at once. Its shelves were tightly packed amungst each other, teetering at every movement. The bell sang its familiar song as i entered, the  door swinging behind me. I headed to the back, where the drinks were stored. I opened the fridge and reached for an energy drink.

"You know, those aren't good for you."

I turn to look at who was speaking, and was met with someone unfamiliar to me, but it also seemed as though I had seen him before. His hair hung about his eyes in loose waves, shielding, but not quite fully covering those brown eyes of his. He wore an over-sized t shirt, a logo of some band in a large font embellished on the front. His shoulders were broad, his frame muscular and lean. Baggy jeans covered the length of his legs, and he was wearing a pair of converse, similar to the ones I was also wearing. 

"So, what do you suggest I get then?" I question him, raising my eyebrow at him slightly. 

"Get this." he says as he places a small carton of pineapple juice into my hands.

"Pineapple juice. Really?" I say, feeling unimpressed at his drink choice.

"Trust me on this, you won't regret it." he says with a grin. His dimples are prominent, as if his features were moulded just for smiling. 

"Anyway, enough about pineapple juice, do I know you from anywhere?" I say as I lean against the wall a little.

"You used to go to the local high school here right? I also went there." he exclaims with a small nod of his head, as if to show me he isn't lying. 

"oh yeah? Well what's your name then?" I say, feeling a little suspicious.

"I'm Bang chan, but you can just call me chan.. or chris.. both work." he says awkwardly.

"Alright then chan.. I'm Libby. Honestly, I think I do remember you a little now. You were in some of the same classes as me in 11th grade, right?" i say as I piece things together. 

"Yes that's right! I have to be home soon though, its late. Can I give you my number? So we can catch up some other time?" he says, an eager look on his face. I wonder if in this moment i should say no, but I give in.

"Sure then." I say as I hand him my phone so he can put his number in. He hands it back to me in what feels like a couple of seconds.

"I'll be on my way now then, catch you later.. Libby!" he says with a smile as he leaves the store.

The whole interaction had left me feeling a little dazed I thought to myself as I walked back home. 

I wish I could forget you - BangchanKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat