To Close

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Stitches had been studying some info and she found something. If AUs got to close, they could collide and two things could happen. Both could be destroyed, or they could painfully merge. All the characters would merge with their equivalent(s) creating amalgamations. She found a notable case of this happening, help_tale. She noticed an AU was extremely close to her own. They would collide soon and either merge or self destruct. It was some copy, but she could let it hit her AU.

Checking, she saw it was possible for her to destroy copies if she killed or removed the inhabitants. She entered the AU. Dust filled the air. She checked the AU stats and found the human had gone completely insane with powers. They had the powers of FEAR and DETERMINATION. She short cutted to where the human and the last of the monsters were. "Hey, stop." She called. "Oh? What's this? A little skeleton. That's new." The human said. They then lunged toward her. She dodged and took her stained form. She tossed some bloodied bones and sent gaster blasters. The human managed to dodge at first, but got caught by a gaster blaster. The reason was because the human was used to blasters only shooting energy, but Stitches blasters would also lunge and bite or head butt an enemy. "I'll just reset." The human snarled. "No, you won't." Said Stitches. She summoned the humans soul and, on pure instinct, summoned a bone. This bone was different than normal, it was covered in what appeared to be black blood and glitching. She stabbed the human's soul and they fell limp.

The soul shattered, but some of the energy bound itself to her soul. She pulled out her soul. It had once been pure white, now it was greyish with shadows and bloody looking stitches that contained FEAR and DETERMINATION. Around the stitches was hints of black corruption. She momentarily flashed back to when she first gained corruption in her soul.

*Flashback Start*
Qiblah walked over to the young skeleton. "I have a new test." He said. "What is it this time?" She asked. He held up a cup of what appeared to be black sludge. "This, is corruption and hate. It's watered down so as not to fully taint your soul." He said. "What do you mean?" She asked. "I want you to drink it." He said. "What?! That's disgusting!" She exclaimed. "If you would rather I can give it to your brother instead." He said. Sans glared before taking the glass. She began drinking it. It was cold and slimy and tasted weird. For a few moments everything was normal, then, she screamed. Her soul felt like it was freezing and burning at once. Qiblah yanked out her soul and cursed. The black was beginning to overtake it. He pulled out a shot filled with something white and stuck it into her soul. Sans passed out.

When she woke up, she was on a table in Qiblah's lab. "What happened?" She asked. "It appears that the mixture was to strong and was corrupting your soul. I neutralized it for the most part, but some will always remain." He said.

*Flashback End*

She shook herself out of her flashback before turning to the monsters. She opened a portal. "This leads to the omega timeline. Your AUs practically dead anyway now that the human's gone. I'm going to finish off your AU. If you want to live, you'll go here." She said. The monsters looked fearfully at the monster that had killed the human, she was covered in bloodstains. They quickly entered the portal.

Stitches sighed as she stood in the CORE pulling up the code. "You should have killed them." Hissed a voice. "Qiblah." She hissed. A shadow in the vague form of Qiblah appeared. "Free me Sans, I can help you end the resets." He said. "Don't listen to him Sans." Said another voice. The shape of Gaster appeared. "Wha- Dad?" She asked. "It's me. We can only talk to you temporarily. You have done well Sans. Keep trying to help and protect others. Look at all angles before judging. Now, hurry and destroy the codes." He said. She nodded before destroying the codes and leaving the crumbling AU.

'I'm going to find a way to free my AU from the player and I'm going to give Ink a piece of my mind,' she thought, 'if they want to play, let's play.'

A/N: So this is about where if someone wants to make a fic on this AU they can start. Here's a little on what happens after in my canon for the AU.

Stitches will occasionally seek out Ink and 'play games' with him, which involves challenges and fights. Her doing stuff like stealing and hiding broomie and giving Ink clues to find it. She won't kill Ink, because he's connected to the multiverse.

She has a tendency to be a mix of chaotic neutral, chaotic good, and chaotic 'evil'. She's not really evil, she just looks at both sides story and decides from there who's side she's on.

She is seeking a way to stop the player, but, even in her more unstable mindset, doesn't want to make a deal with Qiblah or others like him(Example: X Gaster)

She has a bit of an unstable mindset. She is relatively in control most of the time, but sometimes doesn't show restraint in battle, or takes her games with Ink a little to far.

She would help Fgod Error and Nightmare when protecting the balance.

She befriends more misunderstood sans and ones that might seem like one thing at first glance but are really something else.

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