Escape from AU

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Stitches was working on a portal. She had discovered AUs with a machine and believed that she could use some magic she had absorbed one reset to open a portal. She focused her magic. A true pacifist had happened, so she could leave without problem. A rip began to appear. There was stitching on the edges of what appeared to be a tear in reality leading to a different place. Hesitating momentarily, she walked into the portal.

She found herself in on the surface. She walked around to see what she could find. "Heya there." Said a voice. She turned and saw a skeleton in blue. "I'm Sans or Classic. I haven't seen you." He said. "I'm Stitches. I guess I'm from another AU." She answered. "'m guessing you only recently learned to jump AUs?" Asked Classic and Stitches nods. "Well, guess I've gotta introduce you to Ink." He said. Stitches followed him and was portaled to a new place.

"Oh, hi!" Said a skeleton with a black mark on his face and changing eye lights. "Ink, this is Stitches. She recently learned to travel AUs." Said Classic. "Hi Stitches, I'm Ink, creator and guardian of AUs." He said. Ink began showing her around. "Ink, is there anything you can do to end the resets in my AU?" Asked Stitches. "Nope, that's up to your human." Said Ink. "My human doesn't want to reset, the player makes them." Said Stitches. "Player? You must be confused." Said Ink. "No, the player-" started Stitches. "Sorry I have to go, Error's destroying an AU." Said Ink before portaging away.

Stitches groaned in frustration. 'I wonder if I can find anything to help stop the resets,' she thought. She began searching around. At first it was fruitless, then, she found some of Ink's old scarfs...

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