twenty five | hospital bills

Start from the beginning

If, of course, we manage to scrape the money together somehow.

"I think you're cheating." Brody pouts, throwing his cards down on the table in a sulk.

I twist the handle and choke back a semi-pathetic sob as my Father's eyes scan across the room to find me. His face cracks into an ear-to-ear smile, a grin so cheesy you'd think this is a damn hallmark movie.

But I. Don't. Freaking. Care.

I welcome the cringe if it means even five more minutes of Dad's smile.

"There's my little girl."

I crack, the first cry escaping my chapped lips. "Hi, Daddy."

His eyes crinkle at the corners as the two dimples in his cheeks pop from how hard he's beaming. "Well, are you not going to come and give your old man a hug?"

I shake my head at his dry humour and dump my bag down on the armchair, a few tears dripping onto the cracked leather.

"I know it's been a while, princess, but seriously" He rolls his eyes playfully and lets Brody help him sit up straighter in the bed. He used to fight any kind of help with stuff like that, his pride always got in the way.

But when push came to shove and he desperately needed the support- he finally caved in. Thank God.

"What's a guy gotta do around here to receive a little affection? Have cancer? Oh, wait, I already have that."

"Shut up." I whisper with a choked voice, carefully perching on the edge of his bed. "Nobody likes an attention seeker, Dad."

He takes my cold hand in his warm palm, the one without all the wires and IV drips, and squeezes it tight. Like he's afraid to let go. Or maybe that's me...

"You know I like to put on a good show, Novie. How else would I entertain myself in this hell hole?"

With a teary laugh and shaky limbs, I tentatively lean forward and wrap my arms around his neck, nestling my cheek against his chest.

His beating chest. It's still beating.

"I missed you so much." I cry, my words all muffled as my wet cheeks stain his freshly pressed hospital gown and fuzzy robe.

Brody and I bought that for him 2 Christmas's ago, when the weather dropped below freezing and the heating in this crappy little room went bust. We also paired it with some fluffy socks and a cosy blanket, although I've probably used that more than he has while I've been sitting by his bedside.

"I missed you more, my little star." He sighs, stroking down the length of my hair just like he did when I was a child. "I'm sorry I put you through all this, Nova. You know all I've ever wanted is-"

"For us to be happy." I finish and squeeze him even tighter, unconsciously counting each beat of his heart.  "And we are now that you're awake."

Dad lets out a slightly strained chuckle and pulls away, wiping the corner of his eye. "What did I do to deserve such incredible children, hey?"

Brody shrugs with a playful smirk. "Beats me. From what Mom's told us, you sounded like an asshole in the 80s so it's not because of good karma."

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