Biggest supporters

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Elias got me the necklace I had be ogling at Kim's art exhibit. I'm yet to of worn it because it's so expensive and beautiful that I've been waiting for the perfect time. And right now is definitely not it, I'm sick as fuck. Just as my knee started to fully heal-it had been working fine most of the time with only a few spasms-but it's totally healed now and I still can't get out of bed. it's frustrating the shit out of me.

Elias was reluctant to leave me in bed this morning as he was the past two days, but he has a game tonight and if he doesn't attend school he won't be allowed to play. So I convinced him to go and he only went after surrounding me with a million pillows, a thousand kisses, enough tissues to last me a lifetime and a particular number of pain killers to take every few hours until he gets back.

The kids all came in to say goodbye and what melted my heart was the way each of them gave me a forehead kiss before they left. Even Luis did and looked so very worried bless him. But I'm officially fed up after binge watching too many Netflix films which unlike normal day to day life, cannot distract me from the pressing matter of where the fuck my father is.

Up until he paid some people off even the police were looking for him and came up short. Now I know that Elias could find him very easily but I've asked him not to. Mostly because I have no idea what will happen if he does, my boyfriend would probably kill him and our friends would be accomplices. I won't lie and say that sounds terrible, if only they wouldn't all get into real shit. Their whole lives would be ruined, I can't let that happen. Now or ever.

For some reason he's still sending me and the girls money and I'm hoping that means he will stay out of our lives as long as we don't fuck up his. However, that deal may be compromised now that so many people know of his abuse but I'm hopeful that I can trust those who know, enough that I don't have to worry about them telling anyone else.

Besides life has been good recently, I won't lie and say that my mind is completely rid of the dark thoughts or voices that led me to Richard's bathroom those months ago. Sadly, when the people who gave you the trauma leave, they don't take the damage they caused with them. It's all still here making each day just as hard as the last. That's why if you don't have enough good people to balance out the bad, you're life becomes an even shittier show.

I'm lucky on that front because I have many good friends in my life and most of them will be back here shortly. Mal and Kim are picking up the kids and bringing them home so the boys can head off to their game, as it's an away one this week. Speaking of them I swear I just heard a car pulling up on the driveway. I'd greet them at the door but one of them would snitch to Elias and I'd be lectured for a good hour about staying in bed to recover. So no thank you.

However, I don't have to wait so long because as soon as the sound of the door opening reaches my ears, I already hear loud and fast footsteps pounding the stairs. In the next minute my bedroom, or Elias' that I have dutifully taken over as his future fiancé, flings open. I see a mop of curls hurdle towards me and smile when Diego climbs onto the bed. He steps over pillows and blankets until he belly flops across my lap.

"Hey rocket" I greet, ruffling his hair as he hugs the tops of my thighs. "Was school good?"
"Mhm" he slides off of the bed on his stomach and I watch with amusement. "Are you leaving me already?" I pout and he pauses, spinning to press a kiss on my cheek. Then he continues over to his bag where he pulls out a piece of paper. He skips back over to me, planting the-what I now realise is a painting-on my lap.

"Oh wow this is amazing" I compliment while he clambers back up to sit under my arm.
"Is it a rocket?" He nods pointing to the flames at the bottom. "Fire makes it go up there" he points to the sky and I nod. "Well done, it makes it go up into space doesn't it?"
"To the stars" he nods like the idea excites him.
"Would you like to visit the stars one day?"
"Yes!" I chuckle, my nickname for him is definitely accurate.

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