Things Are About To Heat Up!

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~Two Weeks Later ~

Ashley couldn't get Laurent out of her mind, day and night all she could think about was him. The day had finally come for her plan to take place while the twins hosted a workshop/conference for her nonprofit organization.

Ashley: Today is the day I finally get to see Laurent and get this plan in motion. I'm gonna play it cool for the time being, don't want to come off like I'm too easy for him to just reject me. I want him to want me like he use to and fall in love with me all over again!

On the other side of town Laurent was dreading this day because he knew he would have to see Ashley and be around her for most of the day playing nice and having to set aside his feelings about her. Today he was focused on positive energy and doing something good for the kids which is what he is all about, he wasn't going to let Ashley come in between his work or his family.

Chanelle: Laurent are you sure you're feeling ok?

Laurent: Yea baby I feeling good this morning, I in love with you, I love our babies and I'm so happy to be you husband! Our life is a dream come true and I no want anything to change what we have.

Chanelle: I love you too baby and I don't want anything to change either but your energy seems off to me! You've been quiet and distracted by something, you got me a little worried but if you say things are good then I believe you!

Laurent: Listen Chanelle, I no want you to worry about anything okii. Everything is good and when I get home I gonna show you just how much you mean to me okii!

Laurent leaned down and kissed Chanelle passionately, he started to remove her robe when his phone started to ring.

Chanelle: Baby your phone is ringing, I think you need to answer it!

Laurent: I no care, I'm showing you just how much you mean to me and who ever it is can wait!

Chanelle: Baby answer the phone please!

Laurent pulled back and picked up his phone to see that it was none other than Larry calling him!

Laurent: Bonjour twin, why you calling me ? I was in the middle of something important!

Larry: I only calling to tell you to pick me up because I no want to be late for this event this morning! And to tell you that no worry about Ashley okii I got you back today.

Laurent: Larry I no worried about any of that okii! I in a good place and today is gonna be a good day!

Larry: So you no worried about Ashley?

Laurent: Larry we talk later, I be there in twenty minutes to get you so have you ass ready cause you make us late all the time!

And with that he hung up the phone and proceeded to finish what he started but Chanelle stopped him before he could get started!

Chanelle: Don't even think about it! You gotta get out of here to pick up Larry! Besides I've got to get me and the kids ready because I'm meeting Alex later to have a play date with the kids so we will see you at their house when this event is over with ok!

Laurent: Okii I just see you over there.

With that he kissed Chanelle and his babies goodbye, grabbed his keys and ran out the door to be on time to pick up Larry. While getting in the car he couldn't shake this feeling of dread in his body, he tried his best to put it out of his mind but something kept pulling him back !

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