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It was after the break, all the students started making their way towards their lectures. Two lectures were remaining and after that they were free to go home. Chan had explained to his brothers what Minghao and Jun had told him to do, his brothers weren't expecting Jun to figure out that Seokmin was their brother. They wanted to try it and see if it works but they didn't know how to approach him saying they want to spend time with him. They needed to have a proper reason to invite him for a private meeting. It was easy for Chan and Jihoon because they both were  already friends with Seokmin. Yes Jihoon was friends with him, Seungkwan had introduced Seokmin to his fellow council members and Jihoon with others had become friends with him. Yoongi and Minho didn't have a proper reasoning but they might figure it out. Now everyone were attending their respective lectures except for two people and they were Soonyoung and Seokmin they both had decided to bunk their last two lectures more like Soonyoung had forced Seokmin to bunk the lectures and taken him to the rooftop giving a reason that first three were free so he wasn't in a mood to attend the last remaining lectures. Seokmin had never once in his life bunked a lecture during his school days so now that he is bunking that to with Soonyoung it felt nerve wrecking and he was scared that someone might see them. He wanted to enjoy his Uni life but not like this, he had promised his parents that he would sincerely study and get good grades and never once get a complain from any of his teachers. Soonyoung could see that Seokmin was nervous and he was quick to assure him that nothing would happen to him when the mighty Kwon Soonyoung is by his side. This comment made him laugh and he was feeling little bit at ease. Soonyoung had also told him that he can have fun while also get good grades in studies, he doesn't have to just be like those nerds who only focus on studies. They were aimlessly wandering here and about in the campus. They also passed by a class which had third and fourth year students focusing on what the professor was teaching them. Well Yoongi, Jungkook, Jeonghan and Seungcheol were in that class and all four of them had seen them passing by. Seungcheol was disappointed in Soonyoung as he didn't even tell him that he'd be bunking that class, and Jeonghan and Yoongi were shocked to see Seokmin with him, they both knew that Soonyoung is capable of pulling out stunts like these but Seokmin came as a shock. Whereas Jungkook on the other hand thought it was so cool to sometimes bunk classes and when both the prof and the class is boring, bunking is a better option. Jeonghan wanted to give them both detention but he didn't know why but he didn't feel like giving detention to them but if it was Joshua in his place he would have definitely not spared them. He always wanted to be that student who was appreciated by both teachers and students and wanted that image to be like that till he graduates from here. But Jeonghan knew Joshua like the back of his hand, he knew that Joshua just wanted to throw his gentleman image and just enjoy his University days like a normal student, enjoying with friends, bunking once a while, he wanted to live a life like this as well but his parents' reputation was what holding him back. His parents were the dean of the University so as to not ruin their reputation he is holding his desires back. Anyway back to Seokmin and Soonyoung after wandering here and there they reached the rooftop of their building. They plopped down next to each other, Soonyoung brought out the snack he had purchased from the cafeteria, he passed one to Seokmin and started having some for himself. As they didn't have anything to do they decided to start with their project they brought out the books they had brought from the library and started going through it. They both had decided to take out the important points and mark it so when they go to Soonyoung's place it would be easier to make a presentation out of it. They focused on the book and started marking the important points. In no time they were finished with the book, well what do you expect both were intelligent so it was expected that they would finish it early. Now they looked at each other thinking what to do now? Soonyoung leaned towards Seokmin and looked intently into his eyes, Seokmin didn't even back off looking as intently into his eyes as well.(Refer the above image). They both started making funny faces to make the other laugh so that one of them could loose, but they just laughed at each other's faces still maintaining the eye contact. Their intense staring contest was broken by the bell that rang indicating it was the end of their classes for the day. They quickly packed their bags cleaned up the mess and headed down towards the lockers. Each and everyone of the students were cramped near their locker just wanted to be out and go home. Soonyoung and Seokmin waited for the crowd to lessen and then made their way towards their respective lockers and stuffed their belongings into their bags and made their way towards the campus. They saw their friends already waiting for them over their usual place. Soonyoung and Seokmin made their way towards them and as soon as they reached Seungcheol had head locked Soonyoung asking him why didn't he tell him about the bunking classes so that even he could have bunked and came with them. Soonyoung told him that they had decided it on the spot while making their way to the classes so they didn't tell anyone about it. Seungcheol was still sulking about it making him look cute, everyone in his friends circle cooed at him Seokmin even pinched his cheeks. They stopped laughing started making their way towards their respective home. Seokmin had to fetch Heeseung from his school so he waited but he saw a notification from Heeseung saying that he would be at his friends place and would come home during Dinner time. Seokmin told him that he'll be picking him up from his friends place and not to come alone during night and also told him to text his friends address. Heeseung did as he was told. Seokmin made his way towards Soonyoung and told him that Heeseung is staying at his friends place for now so he could come with him to his house. They both made their way towards Soonyoung's place, Seokmin asked about Seungkwan, shouldn't he come with us as well? Soonyoung told him that Seungkwan would be meeting them directly at his place. Seokmin made an 'O' shape at the realisation and they both were silent till they arrived at his house. Soonyoung's parents were out of town for their business meeting purposes so he had the whole house to himself. Soonyoung welcomed Seokmin to his home and Seokmin was in awe to say the least. Soonyoung's house was more like a mansion. It was beautiful and Seokmin just had one thought, "How rich are Soonyoung's parents to be living in a home like this?"

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