Chapter 27

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Zoya's POV

I was too afraid to look. I buried my face in Oli's body, seeking refuge.

"Liv? What do you think you're doing?" Ava practically screamed.

"Don't you knock?" Oli's voice was filled with worry and heaviness in her breathing. I wasn't sure if it was from the situation or from our intimate moment.

Ava looked behind her to make sure no one had seen what had transpired before she slammed the door behind her.

I hurriedly put on my shirt, trying to escape this embarrassing situation, while Olivia kept attempting to shield my half-naked body with her hands.

"Knock? When have I ever knocked before entering your room? Is that the real problem here? That I didn't knock? Or that you're cheating on your husband?" Ava's voice was no longer loud, but it was filled with anger and disappointment. Her words cut through my heart. I already knew what we were doing, but hearing them out loud, unfiltered, really stung. I felt like I was just someone who had led her to cheat.

"Shh," Olivia said quickly, and I knew she felt the same way. She wasn't ready to hear those words. I couldn't bring myself to look at either of them. I felt nothing but shame and hurt.

I never intended to be someone who cheats, and yet I was also hurting, knowing that I was only someone she was being unfaithful with. In my mind, it felt like we were meant for each other, and that Elijah was the obstacle, but deep down, I knew it wasn't true. My emotions were founded on my feelings for her, not on reality, or what others might think, or most assuredly not for Elijah—he didn't deserve any of this.

"I'll let you two talk," I said as I started making my way to the door.

But before I could leave, Ava stepped forward and held my arm firmly, making it hard to hide the discomfort I felt. "Not so fast," she said, her voice tense and demanding.

"We still need to talk," Ava asserted, easing her grip on my forearm. "Sit down," she demanded, her eyes fixed on me with an unwavering determination.

"I think whatever you just saw is between Zoya and me. If she wants to leave, let her," Oli said, attempting to defend me.

"Whatever I saw? I know what I saw, and it's not just between you two. It's between you and millions of your fans and your husband's fans. Do you know how fast your popularity will drop if people found out about this?" Ava said, her voice filled with concern and frustration as she paced back and forth in the room.

"And poor Elijah, what did he do to you? He treats you well and is supportive of your life and career. What did he do to deserve this?" Ava added, her words compelling me to confront a truth I was trying to avoid.

"He didn't do anything to deserve this; it's not about him at all," Oli said, her voice trembling as if she was on the verge of tears.

"If this gets out, you will have no one by your side. Elijah's popularity will soar, and people will take his side, leaving you with no career," Ava scoffed angrily and then pointed at me in accusation " If she talks, she'll destroy your life." 

"She makes me happy," Oli said in a whisper, making my head snap to her. In her own way, she was reassuring me that I was more than just a passing moment to her.

"She makes you blind and reckless," Ava retorted, unwavering in her stance despite her friend's honest words. Her primary concern was to protect Oli, and I could understand her frantic behavior.

"You," she said, pointing toward me, "you will sign a non-disclosure agreement that you will speak nothing about Olivia," she demanded.

"I don't mind. It's not like I planned to talk about what we have anyway," I murmured.

She took her phone out and started texting someone angrily. I glanced at Oli, but she managed only a weak smile, which I couldn't return.

"Michelle will have the NDA ready. You won't leave my sight. We will go together to her office now," she said, getting up and gesturing for me to follow.

"Ava, this is ridiculous. If she wanted to talk, she would have," Olivia said.

"What? Does that mean what I just saw happened before?" Ava said, her eyes widening in horror.

“Ava,” Olivia tried to explain.

“I can't believe you would do this to Elijah," Ava said, shaking her head in disappointment before leaving the room.

I watched as Olivia fell onto the couch, finally allowing herself to feel her pain. She put her head in her hands as quiet sobs shook her body.

I stood there, torn between staying and leaving to avoid making the situation worse. Feeling that my presence in her life only caused her pain and instability, I walked towards the door, but stopped when I heard her sobs grow louder.

"Damn you, Ava," I said to myself and ran to Olivia's side, wrapping my arms around her and letting her cry on my chest as I rubbed her back slowly.

"You deserve to be happy. I don't care if it's with me or with Elijah, as long as you are happy," I said, feeling my own tears dangerously approaching.

"But Oli, ever since we met, you've dropped subtle hints on how tied up you feel in your own life. Maybe it hurts now, but it's time for you to break free," I said. Deep down, I wanted her to fight for us, but I knew there was no "us" before she took command of her own life.

I cupped her face in my hands and pressed my lips slowly on hers. "I am here," I whispered against her lips.

Olivia's POV

It's been three days since Ava stopped talking to me. Yesterday, I came home to find her having dinner with Elijah. She left without giving me a chance to explain myself.

I know what I did was wrong and I'm not trying to defend myself, but it's hard being ignored as a form of punishment. We should be able to talk and come to a conclusion, but it seems like that won't happen anytime soon.

I thought Zoya would pull away from me after what happened, but she's been very supportive. She has returned to work and her presence gives me comfort. Even when she's not around, she makes sure to text and reassure me that Ava will talk to me soon so we can fix things.

As I lay in bed, I stared at the ceiling and reflected on where I am now and where I was a few months ago. I used to live in my little bubble, oblivious to everything life had to offer. Maybe it was better that way. I wonder if, had I never crossed paths with Zoya, someone else would have burst my bubble of fake happiness. Would it have been a man or a woman? Is my lack of connection with Elijah because I like women?

My thoughts were interrupted when Elijah walked into the room and handed me his laptop, opened to an article from a famous tabloid.

"Olivia's On-Screen Romance Turned Into a Real One," the headline read. He had a serious look on his face, waiting for me to explain.

"It's not the first time they've written something like that, Elijah," I said, trying to dismiss the truth in the article.

"No, but it's the first time a source close to you confirms it," he pointed out the second line, indicating that the rumors were confirmed by someone in my inner circle.

My heart sank and I felt my heart race. It was enough to answer Elijah, as his face went pale and his eyes widened in shock.

A million thoughts raced through my head, but the loudest one was me cursing Ava. She sold me out days after finding out the truth. Why? I thought we were friends. I needed to tell him myself.

Damn you Ava.

1,2,3 And.. Love! (GXG)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن