Chapter 23

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Zoya's POV

I fought to suppress my emotions, desperately attempting to quell the overwhelming desire to run into her arms, bury my face in her neck, and inhale the alluring scent that never failed to calm my racing heart. It was as if she possessed some enchanting power over me, an all-consuming presence that had captivated my every thought. But deep down, I understood the truth - I had fallen irrevocably in love with her.

"I'm here, listening," I mustered, my arms involuntarily crossing in front of me in an attempt to hide the raw vulnerability that threatened to consume me.

"Alright, um... I'm sorry, just give me a moment. I didn't expect us to dive right into this conversation," she admitted, her hand instinctively rubbing the back of her head. With raised eyebrows, I silently encouraged her to continue. It wasn't impatience that stirred within me, but rather an overwhelming anxiety that made me feel as if I were suffocating within my own skin.

"I understand how all of this must look to you, Zoya. I know my actions have been confusing and inappropriate, but please believe me when I say I didn't have any bad intentions," she hurriedly expressed, her hands moving in the air as if desperately pushing the words out of her mouth.

"And?" I prompted when she fell silent.

"And I need you to know that when I kissed you, it wasn't just some impulsive action. On that day, when I came to your house, I had just had a fight with Elijah, and I sought comfort in you," she explained, taking a step towards me. But I quickly raised my hand to halt her advance, aware that letting her get any closer would undermine my strength to keep my distance.

"So, let me get this straight. You came to me, kissed me against the wall, all because you were seeking revenge on your husband? Is that what this is about?" My heart ached, torn between confusion and despair. Had she traveled all this way just to make matters worse for me?

"No, oh God, no! It wasn't about him at all. At that moment, he wasn't even in my mind. I needed you and only you, Zoya. No one else," she insisted, grabbing my hand with both of hers and holding it close to her chest. Hearing her confess her feelings was unexpected, but deep down, I understood that these words meant nothing as long as she remained married.

"Olivia, I don't think you need to tell me how you feel, because it's painfully obvious. But I also don't understand what you expect me to do with this information. You claim to have feelings for me, and then what? What am I supposed to do with that?" I withdrew my hand and took a step back, maintaining a physical distance.

"I want you to know that when I kissed you, it was genuine," she finally uttered after a moment of silence. Confusion could be seen in her eyes, as if she had anticipated me falling at her feet once she revealed her feelings. But it couldn't end there. The bitter truth remained that she was married. No matter what she said, that fact would remain unchanged.

"Okay, I understand that it was genuine, and I believe you didn't play with my emotions. So, is that all you wanted to discuss?" I averted my gaze, fighting to suppress the tears that threatened to spill over.

"Zoya..." she uttered in a barely audible whisper, and for some inexplicable reason, it almost shattered my heart.

"This is real life, Olivia, not some scripted TV show. In real life, people get hurt, and actions have consequences. You have feelings for me, but you are married. Our story started and ended in the same moment. Are we clear on that?" I attempted to speak with conviction, but my voice betrayed me, cracking as tears escaped my eyes.

"No, we are not clear on that!" she firmly responded, shaking her head in defiance. Ignoring my clear signs that I needed distance from her, she moved towards me, trapping my body between hers and the door. Cupping my face gently with her hands, she melted away the strength I had left, leaving me defenseless.

"Our story doesn't end here, do you hear me?" She stared deeply into my eyes, searching for reassurance.

I didn't know how to respond. I felt her wiping away the tears from my cheeks with her thumbs, and slowly, I found myself relaxing in her embrace. That was why I didn't want her to touch me - because it weakened my resolve.

"I will figure it out," she whispered softly.

"When?" I choked out.

"Give me time," she pleaded. "You know how complicated my life is."

"Then give me space and don't complicate mine," I implored, hoping deep down that she would refuse, praying that she would hold on to me and promise to do whatever it took to make things work.

"I can't. I can't be without you. We'll get through this together. If we drift apart, I won't have the strength to fight the world for you. So please, hold my hand through it all," she said, resting her forehead against mine.

"What am I to you, Oli?" I asked quietly, barely above a whisper.

"Everything I've ever dreamed of having. Please don't take yourself away from me after I've finally found you," she pleaded, burying her face in my neck.

I wrapped my arms around her, holding her tightly in silence. There wasn't much left to say, and I didn't have the strength to walk away. All I had was this woman in my arms, and I knew that this journey we were about to embark on would be heartbreaking. But she was worth every ounce of pain and uncertainty.

A soft knock made us jump apart, momentarily forgetting our surroundings. I heard my mother's cheerful voice from behind the door.

"Zoya, dinner is ready," she announced. I quickly replied, assuring her that we would be right down.

"Kinda forgot you were in my house, in my old bedroom," I chuckled, attempting to dissipate the heavy tension that weighed on our lungs.

"I will follow you anywhere you go. I won't lose you," she said, staring directly into my eyes, unfazed by my attempt to divert the conversation.

"I don't think I am capable of leaving you. I have nowhere else to go. You are the only home I belong to," I confessed, my heart heavy with pain, my face flushed at the vulnerability of my words.

She nodded slowly, taking a moment to absorb my sincerity. While not entirely satisfied, she seemed momentarily convinced by my declaration.

"You have me on your walls," she finally pointed out.

"What?" I said, puzzled. She gestured towards the posters scattered all around my room, each featuring her beautiful face.

"Those... are not mine. This isn't my room. Let's go, dinner is ready," I hurriedly grabbed her hand, swiftly leading her out of the room as she suppressed a chuckle. How could I forget about the posters? Damn it, Zoya.

"Did you fall asleep staring at my face?" she continued teasing, clearly unwilling to let the topic go.

"You're an actress. Your agency sells your posters. It's not like I took them behind your back," I replied with a hint of irritation, although deep down, I was only embarrassed.

"I didn't say that. I was just joking," she paused, suddenly stopping in her tracks and pulling her arm back, causing me to collide into her. She towered over me, and I had to look up to meet her gaze.

"Are we okay?" she asked, her eyes scanning the surroundings to ensure our privacy.

"We are," I nodded, desperately wanting to reassure her. "Sorry, it's just weird to have you here, but it's a good kind of weird. I love it, don't get me wrong," I explained.

"I'm leaving right after dinner, though," she announced, causing a pang of pain to grip my heart.

"Why?" I couldn't help but feel a sense of loss looming.

"I left without telling anyone. I have shootings and schedules I must meet. I just couldn't breathe, knowing I might lose you. I had to come find you," she confessed, gently caressing my cheek. I leaned into her touch, cherishing the warmth and affection.

"Mhm," I heard someone clear their throat, causing us to quickly separate. My head snapped towards the direction of the voice, revealing my mother standing with a shocked expression on her face.

"Dinner," was all she said before turning to walk away.

"Shit," I heard Olivia mutter under her breath, and I fully agreed.

Indeed, it was "shit".

1,2,3 And.. Love! (GXG)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें