Chapter 21

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Olivia's POV

I sighed contentedly as I woke up to the gentle touch of her rubbing my head. Her warm body was still underneath me, providing a comforting presence. Shifting my head from her chest, I buried my face in her neck, allowing myself to indulge in the intoxicating scent that had occupied my thoughts far too often lately. It was like smelling something and being transported back to a cherished memory from the past.

Her scent evoked a sense of nostalgia, as if I had just returned to a lost home, one that I craved to revisit for years. That's precisely how she smelled - like the cozy, familiar haven I've always longed to find solace in.

"Are you awake?" She whispered against my ear, her words sending a shiver down my neck.

"No," I shook my head, reluctant to leave the warmth of her embrace just yet.

"Your phone won't stop buzzing," her heartbeat quickened anxiously. She was aware of my life outside of this moment, aware that I had a husband waiting for my return. Sooner or later, I would have to face reality.

"Let it buzz," I murmured, my lips finding the soft spot on her neck. My intentions were not to comfort her, but I was longing for her touch that I had missed.

"Oli," she sighed, succumbing to the sensation of my lips peppering kisses on her skin.

"What happened to 'baby'?" I raised an eyebrow, I felt a pang of sadness, realizing how easily I had lost that title.

"You told me to be yours for the night, and now the night is over," she said jokingly, but I could sense the pain behind her words.

"I should probably get going," I blurted out after a brief silence. I knew it was the worst thing to say, but I was at a loss for words in this situation.

"You should," her voice cracked, and I avoided meeting her gaze. I knew that looking into her eyes would only break my heart even more, and I didn't want to leave.

I rose from the couch, surprised that despite the cramped space, it had been the most restful sleep I had experienced in a while.

"Would it be okay if I used your bathroom?" I asked tentatively. She responded with a gentle hum of approval.

I freshened up in the bathroom, finding her still lying on the couch when I stepped out.

"I'll see you later in the studio?" I asked cautiously.

"Sure," she replied, her forehead covered by her hand. I leaned down and kissed the top of her head before walking out of her apartment, determined not to change my mind.

My phone had been buzzing incessantly since I woke up. I knew I must have received countless calls from Ava and Elijah, and I knew I would have to deal with it once I arrived home, something I wasn't particularly looking forward to.

"Where the hell were you?" Elijah shouted as soon as I entered the house.

"I was at Zoya's," I said calmly, tossing my keys onto the table and brushing past him to head to the room.

He grabbed my forearm, halting me in my tracks. "Do you have any idea how many times I called you?" he snapped.

I removed his grip from my arm and walked away without providing an answer. I should have felt some guilt toward him, but the only guilt I felt was for leaving Zoya the way I did. All I wanted now was to get dressed and go to the studio to see her, to make sure we were okay.

I quickly got ready for work and rushed to the office, searching everywhere for a glimpse of Zoya, but she was nowhere to be found.

Spotting Ezra deeply engaged in conversation with Lyla, I approached him. "Ezra, I need to talk to you," I said, pulling him aside.

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