Chapter Eight

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When I woke up at 7:00am, I was quite achy from being balled up on my couch but got up nonetheless. I tried to mentally prepare myself for that day because I knew it'd be rough. Charles arrived at 9:00am as he had said and I hopped in the front seat beside him. We then sped off to collect the girl.

We collected the girl on the corner and began the drive to Essex. The young girl would not pipe down, constant chatter was coming from the backseat. In the front of the car was tense and quiet because we knew what was ahead of this girl and we couldn't do anything about it.

"You don't look like a "Charles." You look like an... Eitan...or a Levi." The girl expressed. At this point Charles took out his whiskey flask took a slug then passed it to me. I gingerly took a sip then passed it back to Charles and I heard,

"I get a slug?" The girl looked hopeful.

"Will it shut you up?" Charles asked in annoyance.

"Maybe" The girl said. Charles went to pass it to her until I smacked his forearm.

"Charles, what the hell! You can't give a child alcohol!" I said angrily.

"Cath, she'll be fine." He sighed and passed her the flask quickly. She took a quick swig and coughed.

"That's good stuff. Why don't you keep your cash in the bank?" The girl questioned.

"It's safer." Charles replied.


"Heard what's happening to Jews now? If the Nazis invade here and this country says, "God save Hitler," which most would, what's gonna happen to my money? They let me keep it? Trust no one. Kill or be killed." Charles asserted. It must be so tiring living constantly looking over your shoulder like that. The car then became quiet again until the girl leaned on the headrest of my seat.

"He's quite handsome, isn't he?" The girl whispered to me. I let out a brief laugh. Charles remained focused on the road. 

"Is he you're boyfriend?-" The young girl asked before we both cut eachother off.

"No!" We said at the same time then we shared an awkward look.

"Well I'd like my boyfriend to be just like him when I'm older." She said with a smile. I sighed and looked out the window. Were we actually going to do this? Kill a young, innocent child only looking for money to feed herself? I checked out of the conversation and gazed out the window until Charles sped up.

"Wow, you drive like a gangster!" The girl laughed. I turn to Charles and look at him, 

"Charles what's going on?" I ask. I turn back and notice a car trailing us.

"Making sure we're not being followed." He gritted through his teeth.

"By who? Cops?" The girl questioned.

"I don't know yet." Charles says as he continues to drive like a madman down the country side roads. I sit there and try prepare myself for whatever was about to happen. 

"If he is not a cop, who is he? Eyes and ears everywhere, huh? Loose lips sink ships?" The young girl continued to talk.

"Something like that." Charles responded trying to focus on driving. Eventually Charles got the car stationary, I need to catch my breath as all that motion made me feel unwell so I exited the car to get some fresh air. The young girl jumped foward into my seat upon my exit. I was taking in the foliage surrounding me when Charles came out and shoved a shovel into my hands. 

"Cath start digging." He said glumly. I tried to hold myself together.

"Is she?"

"No, not yet Cath. Dig the hole please." He said desperatley.

The sky had became dark by the time we'd finished digging the hole and we were both very tired. Now the hard part. We collected the girls resting body from the car and placed her in the hole.

"Cath go sit in the car. I don't want you to see this." 

"No." I said sternly. I wanted to face the consequences, I wanted this moment to be burned into my brain forever and to be full of shame and guilt for getting myself involved in this. If only I had stayed in my lane and maybe I wouldn't have to kill a child.

Charles let out a sigh and pointed the gun at the girl. He pulled the trigger and fired one single shot, right into the dirt above her head. I flinched at the loud noise of the gun but then was bewildered by the sight of Charles climbing into the hole and picking up the resting girl.

"Charles what are you doing?"

"I can't do it Cath, it's not right." He said as he walked to his car and put her in the backseat. After he placed her in the backseat, I ran toward him and engulfed in a huge hug and began weeping.

"Thank you, you've reminded me there's still a bit of hope."

"It's not over yet, we've still got to convince this crowd that, that girl is dead."

"I believe in us, we can do this." I reply as we climb into the car. We then begin the drive back to London to Charles' flat. 




Hope you enjoyed this new part. 


Absolutley mental to get that many reads, thank you for all the support too. It means the world!

Sorry for the short break, I've been quite busy lately. 

School starts again soon so there may be a slight lag in uploads but I'll try remain as regular as possible!

Anyways, thank you guys so so so much <3

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