Chapter Five

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The next day was Inspector Farrells wake. Most of the station went down to the Silk after work to remember what he did for Whitechapel, because he was a "remarkable man". Anyways, we gathered around the piano as Kathleen played "We'll meet again" by Vera Lynn. I stood beside Charles in silence.

"Do you want anything to drink, Ryan?" Charles sighed.

"No thanks." I said with a tired smile.

When Charles went to order himself a drink Calloway appeared and started chatting with him. I couldn't help but eavesdrop a little bit.

"To Inspector Farrell, sir. May flights of angels sing all bloody good coppers to their rest." Charles said  while holding his drink.

"Farrell thought you were lower than a snakes belly." Calloway remarked.

"Well, so is he now." Charles said.

"You know, I never wanted to believe his suspicions, but the night he died, Farrell told me he intended to follow you. All I know is that finding Lee Cozens' prints on the gear stick, and that leading to his apparent suicide, is a little too convenient for my liking." Calloway said with an air of suspicion.

"There's nothing wrong with convenience sir, sometimes things are just black and white." I butt in.

Calloway looked at me incredulously.

"Constable Ryan, this conversation is way above your paygrade. You should mind your business and your tone."  He said angrily.

Charles glared at me. I can already hear his voice giving out to me saying why are you implicating yourself? I told you to let me to do the talking!

"You're right, sorry sir" I replied. I went and sat down by Kathleen at the piano we were chatting about menial things when some one came up to Kathleen and whispered something in her ear. Instantly she looked slightly shocked.

"Kathleen, what is it?" I questioned.

"They've found a witness for body in the boot. A child" Kathleen said.

"W-What?" I stuttered. I felt sick to my stomach. I was worried that child would rat us out. I made eye contact with Charles. I think he picked up on my upset as Kathleen walked over to inform Calloway of this development.

We headed back to the station to talk to this child or in mine and Charles' case to keep her quiet. As Kathleen brought the girl upstairs the phone beside Charles rang. He beckoned me over like the night before. The woman on the phone spoke out,

"Can the child identify you two? Whiteman? Ryan?  Answer me. Yes or no?"

As the child climbed up the stairs she did a double take at Charles and I.

"Yes" Charles responded. The line hangs up.

"Charles. How does she know about me? We were so careful? How does she know?" I said in exasperation.

"I don't know Cath! Like I said these people have eyes and ears everywhere, it was only a matter of time till you were named" He said.

"Well, I'm in deep now. I can't take back my actions so now I must deal with the consequences" I sighed. This obviously wasn't an ideal situation. I wanted to have a long and illustrious career of being a fair police officer but now I will forever be in debt to these faceless voices ordering me around. But at least I have Charles right?




Sorry for the little break! Lifes just been a bit mad lately and I've been so busy. Anyways I'm on christmas holidays now! Yay! So hopefully I'll write a good bit over the break.

I hope you're enjoying it and thanks so much for reading!!

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