Chapter Two

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I eventually caught up to the black Wolseley but I made sure to keep a good distance between us. Then it started pouring rain, thats exactly what I needed! My clothes will be destroyed and I'll be frozen to the bone but I need to think of the amount of recognition I'd get for finding a corrupt officer. Finally the car stopped just outside of a lane. I made sure to hide my bike in the alleyway beside it. I took a mental note of the name of the lane,

'Longharvest Lane'

I turned the corner to see a naked corpse laying in the middle of the street. I froze, I had never seen a body before. I slowly walked toward the body and suddenly I was grabbed from behind. I let out a scream of horror and jutted my elbow back into the ribs of my attacker. I broke free from their grip and turned to face them, it was Charles Whiteman.

"What are you doing here Cathrine!" He shouted at me

"I was following you! What are you doing here with a corpse, Whiteman?" I reply angrily.

"I don't have time for this," He says with a huff "Do you know how much more difficult you've just made this?"

"How is me stopping you from commiting a crime, making things difficult? I'm trying to save your career! You're not meant to be a criminal, Charles, you're meant to be enforcing the law, not breaking it!"

"What if I told you I didn't have a choice?" he says lowly.

"Charles, thats absolutley ridiculous! No one can force you to do anything especially collect a corpse-"

"Would you listen!," He says with a sense of urgency, he grabbed my arms and pulled me close as if he were to whisper me a secret "These people Cath they-"

A flash of lightining illuminates the lane around them and a young girl with a dirty face and bright red jacket appears. She sees us arguing in front of the corpse and runs off in fear. Charles looks at me in frustration and calls after the girl,

"Wait, stop! I said stop!"

The rain continues to lash down and the air raid siren sounds off. I look at Whiteman, any minute now the Luftwaffe would begin throwing bombs down on London.

"Cathrine you need to help me." He says firmly.

"No. I won't do such a thing." I cross my arms.

"Cathrine stop being stubborn, for once in your life and help me. I promise I'll explain." He looks at me pleadingly.

"Ok. But Whiteman you owe me. Big time. Not even a drink in the Silk would cover this" I say with a chuckle. He looks at me, extremely displeased with my comment.

"Right, not the time. Lets move this big guy." I grab the corpses underarm and try my best to hold back my gags. The air raid siren rang loudly as we shoved the corpse into the boot.

"Cath, get in the car"

"You're grand, I cycled here. I intend to cycle back." I respond

"Do you really think I'd let you cycle home, in the pouring rain, in the middle of an air raid? Get in the car."

"Well since you asked so nicely" I said sarcastically as I sat into the car. As we drive along the raidio blares, 'Immediate alert for bombing raid in East London. Proceed immediately to your nearest shelter and take cover.' Out of the shadows, a police car starts following us.

"Fuck." Whiteman mutters.

"Charles. I swear to god if we get pulled over and arrested, I will rat you out." I say through my teeth.

"Be quiet," He said "follow my lead and let me do the talking." He began to slow the car down to a stop. Bombs were dropping hot and fast around us and people were fleeing the surrounding buildings. A little chubby man got out of the police car, I knew who it was instantly. It was Farrell. Charles grabbed my arm and pulled me close.

"Just play along with it" He whispered in my ear. This is career suicide! If Farrell sees me 'canoodling' with Whiteman I might as well say goodbye to ever being respected in the station ever again! Whiteman pulled away from me and rolled down his window.

"Inspector, it's past your bedtime, surely?" Charles says plainly.

"Evening, Mr Weissman. Moonlighting again?" Farells eyes drifted over to mine "Ahh Constable Ryan what are you doing out and about with this dark horse at this hour of the night?"

"Its none of your business thats what-" I get cut off by Whiteman pinching my side.

"You know it's not safe to stop here?" Whiteman says.

"Ah they're hitting the factories, we're safe enough," Farell says while leaning through the window "You Jew boys should never have been allowed on the force. Can't help yourselves, can you? Always looking to make a bit on the side. I want my taste." This horrified me, I can't believe Farrell was a nasty, antisemitic shit bag!

"What's in the boot?" Farrell asked rather forcibly.

"Moonlight." Charles responds.

"Hand me the keys." Charles hands Farrell the keys and he teasingly waves them in Charles' face.

"I wouldn't if I were you" I said to Farell as he made his way to the boot of the car. As he walked to the back of the car, Whiteman pulled out a gun from his jacket.

"Charles what the fuck are you doing?" I whisper shouted at him.

"I'm taking care of things."

Just as he went to shoot Farrell, a bomb was dropped on the builiding beside us. Rubble from the building smashed into the car knocking me and Charles out. I awoke to Charles shaking my shoulder. 

"Cath. Cath? Wake up! We've got to go!" He said pleadingly.

I was in a daze while Whiteman dragged me from the car. As we got out I saw Farrell crushed underneath the rubble of the building. He wasn't moving. 

"Farell. Shit," Whiteman said "Come on, lets get out of here." 




 I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far. If you think this chapter was too long let me know and in future I'll split it into two parts. Any feedback is appreciated!


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