Chapter One

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My name is Catherine Ryan. 

I was born to Mary and Patrick Ryan in Dublin. My life was going well until I decided I wanted to be a police officer. Ireland is stuck in an extremely traditional mindset. Women are meant to stay home, have children, cook and darn socks. But that wasn't for me. My parents weren't pleased when I told them of my ambitions to be a police officer, you can imagine their horror when I said I'd go to London to do it too.  They begged of me to go to New York to live with my Aunt Bridget and Uncle Michael but my mind had already been made up. 

My mother begged of me to stay as she was growing old, she asked me why I couldn't be more like my older sisters. But my sister Anne was miserable with her husband and my other sister Kate had passed during childbirth. I do not understand why I should live a life of pure boredom when I could help people! 

I immigrated to London in 1937. Joined the force 1939. I can't say I was dealt a great hand, firstly I was a women and secondly I was Irish. For the first year, it was almost impossible to find somewhere to stay. Signs saying 'No Irish' were everywhere. Thankfully I found an apartment with a landlord who only cared if I was paying at the end of the month. Although I tried to apply to many different stations in 1938 I was met with laughs, they eventually quit that when the war started. After the war began in September, I was hired within the month.

Currently the year is 1941 and I am working in Whitechapel Police Station.   

I was chatting with my dear friend Kathleen when Charles Whiteman strolled in. Kathleen looked at him and said "You're late, You better have a half decent excuse this time"  

"There's a war on?" he said 

 I rolled my eyes, typical smart ass anwser. Over my shoulder I heard Calloway call Whiteman and I say to Kathleen with a snicker "Someones in trouble." 

Whiteman overheard me tells me to shut it and then goes up to Calloway's office. I was talking to Kathleen about her boy when the phone on her desk rang.

"Calloway Extenstion" she said and with this Whiteman came down the stairs "Charlie call for you, line 2."

"Fancy a drink down the Silk tonight?" He said with a cheeky smile.

"Can't. Got a date, but Cathrine here..." Kathleen said looking at me. I looked at Charles with my eyebrows raised.

"I wouldn't dream of it." I say with a scoff.

"Well I wouldn't of asked you anyways." He said defensivley.

I roll my eyes and turn back to continue chatting to Kathleen and Charles anwsers the phone call. He turns to Kathleen and says

"Go fetch us a cuppa, would you?" 

Kathleen kindly obligies and heads toward the break room and I return to my desk and sit down. While Whiteman was on the phone I couldn't help but watch him. As he was talking to the caller I heard the word,


What did that mean? No normal direct phone call was about a body especially coming through the Calloway extension. I knew what I had to do, I had to investigate.

All of the sudden the lights flashed and the bulbs went out for a second. Whiteman turns to Kathleen as she returns and asks  

"What the hell was that?" I stare at him with an air of wariness.

"Beats me" I responded plainly. He looks at me with questioning look. Kathleen hands him his cup of tea and says

"Why should I know? The whole city's on the fritz"

The day went on without a hitch. Quite unremarkable but I made sure to keep an eye on Whiteman. At 9pm Kathleen clocked out.

"I didn't know you were working overtime tonight Cathrine." I look at my friend with a tired smile and say

"Sure you know yourself, rent is due end of this week. Need to make sure ends meet."

"Oh right, well I'll see you tommorw Cath."

"See ya!" I settle back down into my seat and wait for Whiteman to return. I need to show Calloway that I'm a serious police officer, and bringing down a corrupt cop? That would get me so much respect. Whiteman eventually heads out at 9:45pm as he walks out he turns to me and quips

"Night Cathrine, hopefully you'll reconsider that drink" He says with a grin.

The cheek! I really had to bite my tongue. What makes him think hes the best thing since sliced bread? He is really and truly a cocky son of a bitch. 

 "Goodnight, Whiteman" I said in a frustrated tone. He chuckles and heads out the station. I wait a few minutes before hopping up, and heading out of the station. I see a black Wolseley drive off in the distance. I unchain my bike and start cycling as fast as humanly can toward it.

Little did I know what I was in for that night.

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