Chapter Seven

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Charles and I head out to rendezvous with the girl. We're sat in Charles' car and all we're able to scrounge up between the pair of us is two pound. Eventually the girl comes skipping along. I hand her the two pound.

"We said ten. This is two!" She shouts.

"Look, it's all we have right now." I uttered.

 "That is more money than you've ever seen in your life." Charles added.

"So I go back to the station and tell Calloway all I saw." The girl responded cheekily.

"I swear if you do you'll have bigger things to worry about than missing money-" I warned but was cut off by the ringing phone. I glance at Charles. We both burst into action and get out of the car.

"Stay put." Charles orders the girl as we walk over to the red phone box. 

"Hello?" Charles said into the phone.

"Well?" The voice asked.

"Kid's just trying to blackmail us. She says she's local, runs with a looter crew. We'll pay her off. She won't be a problem." Charles says as he looks at me. This was a small telephone box we were squished into together. It was awkward but cosy. 

"The murder investigation is closed. We can't risk it opening again. You must take care of her... permanently." The voice explained. This horrified me. They want us to kill a child? No way. I grab the phone off of Charles.

"You sick bitch! You want us to kill a child?" I exclaimed.

"Constable Ryan...I was wondering when you'd finally pipe up. Don't kid yourself, we all know what you're capable of...tell me how is Arthur Wilson doing?" The womans voice announced.

I gasped and dropped the phone. I hadn't heard that name since...This was all too much for me I quickly exited the telephone box and threw up in the corner of the street. These people now have ultimate control over me. If the police found out what happend with Arthur...I'd be hung. Charles finished up on the phone then came over to me and rubbed my back as I heaved. 

"You're okay, Cathrine. I'm here, you're ok." Charles comforted. I cleaned myself up before muttering a quick thank you and apology. 

"Who was that?" The girl questioned.

"You want the rest of your money? Then meet us back here tomorrow at 10:00. We've got to drive to mother's house in Essex. It's where I keep it. All right? Stay out of trouble until then, yeah?" Charles told the girl and she scarpered off.

"Lets get you home yea?" Charles said as he grabbed my arm and guided me to the car.

We drove to my house in silence, I know at some point he was going to ask.

We eventually arrived outside my flat. He walked me up to the door,

"Alright Cath, I'll see you tomorrow-" 

"Charles please come in." I pleaded while opening the door. We walked into my small flat and went to my couch and sat down. 

"I'm going to tell you something, that I've never told anyone. This stays between you and me." I say as I look intently into his eyes.

"Of course, Cathrine." He said cautiously.

"When I was squatting in peoples homes, I came upon the Wilson's residence. It was early June and the Wilson family had gone to the seaside for a holiday, so presumably the house was vacant. I broke in one evening and began my routine. I'd make sure all the curtains were closed and that all the doors and windows were locked. While I was ensuring that the upstairs bedroom windows were locked, someone came into the house. It was Arthur Wilson, the Wilson's grandfather. I didn't know what to do, I was so afraid! In my panic, I knocked over a stack of books in front of the stairs on the landing. Arthur came rushing up the stairs to see what the commotion was. He began searching the entire upstairs floor. I hid in the childrens bedroom and he eventually found me. I remember him threatining to call the police on me, shouting at me and slowly backing toward the stairs," I paused and took a deep breath. I'd swore to myself that I'd never tell anyone this, "He tripped over the books. He went tumbling down the stairs. I think he broke his neck or maybe his back. I don't know. I remember him pleading with me, begging me for help and I left him there. To die, alone..." I began sobbing uncontrobally. I looked at Charles for some reassurance. He had his hands resting on his chin and was looking rather forlorn.

"I understand if your view on me has changed and you'd like to leave." I said between quiet sobs while walking toward the door. 

"No, no Cathrine. Sit down." Charles requested. 

"O-ok" I hiccuped trying to regain composure. Charles sighed and grabbed my hand tightly. 

"Cathrine. Thank you for trusting me with this information. I'm sorry you had to go through that, maybe if the world was different that wouldn't of happened. But what you went through that night, it doesn't define you." Charles said while looking into my eyes. 

"Thank you, Charles." I replied relieved. He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, as we leaned in closer to one another, our lips almost touching until Charles sighed and drew back.

"I'll see you tomorrow Cathrine, I'll be here around 9:00, so be ready because well, you know." He coughed. 

"Yea, I'll see you tomorrow Charles" I mumbled.

He let himself out of my flat, I heard his car engine splutter to life as he drove off to his home. I snuggled down into my couch, too tired to move a muscle. I didn't realise how exhausting it was holding all of that in, especially for so long. Maybe if I wake up early tomorrow I can go to Arthur's grave. I fell into a deep sleep on my couch with the worries of today and tomorrow drifting away.




Thank you for reading. I hope you're all enjoying it. 


Thats insane. Like genuinely, it means the world that you guys are reading this becuase I didn't think it'd go anywhere so thank you, thank you, thank you!

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