║Dirty Little Secret - AAR║

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I'll keep you my dirty little secret, dirty little secret

Don't tell anyone or you'll be just another regret, just another regret, hope that you can keep it

My dirty little secret~

"What if I told someone... let's say, Kiku?" Arthur asked as the pair spooned on his bed.

Francis got up and sat upright. "You shouldn't tell anyone unless you like being someone's regret." The Brit showed traces of hurt in his face, but shook it off, embracing the blue-eyed man into a hug from behind.

"So are you gonna tell anyone now?" he questioned. Dirty-blonde hair swayed as Arthur shook his head no.

So far, he's kept that promise.

Who has to know

When we live such fragile lives, It's the best way we survive~

Both of them knew that if they got caught, it would ruin everything. Being a part of the Allies meant no one could get in a relationship with someone within themselves. Everyone saw how much Francis and Arthur hated each other, but, in truth, they didn't. It was all an act. And everyday they had to do this, they had to keep everything a secret. All of this just to hide from the rest of society.

I go around a time or two

Just to waste my time with you~

The same thing happened day after day, except this time, the roles were reversed. The poor Brit had decided to stop letting the dastardly Frenchman have his way with him. Plus, he wanted to see if Francis loved him seriously.

Tell me all that you've thrown away

Find out games you don't wanna play~

As Arthur walked out of Francis's mansion emotionless, the blue-eyed man thought. On the contrary, what have I given up for Arthur? He sighed in disappointment, Not much.

You are the only one that needs to know~

He headed towards his living room and turned on the TV, closing his eyes softly.

I'll keep you my dirty little secret, dirty little secret

Don't tell anyone or you'll be just another regret, just another regret, hope that you can keep it

My dirty little secret~

All this drama was way too much. The stress was consuming him.

Who has to know~

Francis stared at the blue walls surrounding him. His head had fragments of thoughts floating all over. He tried putting them together and got something.

The way she feels inside, inside

Those thoughts I can't deny, deny~

He finally noticed. Arthur did love him, and not just the fake, lustful love that accompanied similar situations, but real love. Francis ran his fingers through his hair, heartbeat racing. He's always been denying that he loved Arthur, that everything they were doing was just an 'experiment', but turns out, it never was. He can't deny his love now.

These sleeping thoughts won't lie, won't lie

And all I've tried to hide

It's eating me apart

Trace this life out~

Arthur tossed and turned all over the bed, rumpling his sheets. He groaned in frustration and headed towards the bathroom sink, turning on the room light. Arthur splashed water over his face then looked at his reflection, glaring eyes glaring back. This wasn't going to happen anymore. They've been hiding it for almost a year now. No more secrets.

I'll keep you my dirty little secret, dirty little secret

Don't tell anyone or you'll be just another regret, just another regret~

Both of them made it to the Allies's meeting earlier than everyone just to talk to the other.

The Brit ran up to Francis with an angry look carving his features. "Fuck! Francis. I. Can't. Do. This. Any. More," Arthur cried, punching the blonde-haired man five times before burying his head into his neck.

I'll keep you my dirty little secret, dirty little secret

Don't tell anyone or you'll be just another regret, just another regret, hope that you can keep it

My dirty little secret~

Francis choked and lifted up Arthur's chin, tears threatening to fall. "I can't either."

Dirty little secret

Dirty little secret~

Both of them stared into each others eyes before leaning into a kiss. And at the exact moment, the rest of the Allies walked in.

"WHAT!" they all screamed in unison.

Who has to know

Who has to know~

Arthur separated his lips from Francis's and looked at the gawking members. "Whoops," he smirked before going back to kissing his ex-secret lover.



Anyway, I actually finished this in less than two days! Whoop! So yeah, like I said in the beginning, COMMENT IDEAS AND SHIT! I NEEDS THE INSPIRATION!

Okay, I'll leave now.. I have to play for 8th grade promotion... yay... FUCKING SHOOT ME!

Have a nice rest of the day!


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