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I sit at the bar with Jace, my fingers tapping nervously on the side of my glass. The weight of the situation with Attorney Whites and the mysterious client hangs heavy on my mind. I lean in closer to Jace, my voice hushed as I share my concerns. "Jace, I can't just sit here and wait. I need to know who this Attorney Whites is working for. What if this is some sort of scheme or a ploy to get money from me?"

Jace, always the friend who knows me better than most, can't resist teasing me. "Octavius, the playboy turned family man, now playing detective? Who would have thought?"

I roll my eyes, remembering the wilder days of my past before I met Aurora. "I'm serious, Jace. This is different. I need to protect my interests, and if there's a son involved, I want to make sure he's really mine."

Jace raises an eyebrow, a mischievous glint in his eye. "What if this son of yours is from one of your many romantic escapades from the past? You've had your fair share of affairs, my friend."

I attempt to mentally rewind through my past, trying to recall any significant relationships that might have led to this situation. However, my efforts prove to be more of a comedy than anything else, as I'm reminded of just how many fleeting encounters I've had over the years.

I sigh in resignation. "You might be right, Jace. It's like searching for a needle in a haystack."

Jace pats me on the back, offering his lighthearted reassurance. "Well, whatever it is, we'll figure it out together, like always. Just remember, you've come a long way since those wild days, and if there's a child involved, you'll be the best father you can be."

I appreciate his support and nod. As we continue to discuss our next steps, Jace's words linger in my mind. Maybe it's time to take a step back, enjoy the surprise that life has thrown my way, and trust that whatever unfolds, I'll do my best for my potential son.


As Clyde and I arrive in New York, my son's curiosity bubbles over, and he tugs at my sleeve, his eyes wide with anticipation. "Mom, where are we going?"

I can't help but chuckle at his enthusiasm, and I gently pinch his cheeks, teasing, "Oh, it's a surprise, my little adventurer. You'll discover soon enough." Clyde's face lights up with excitement, and he eagerly peers out the window, trying to catch a glimpse of the secret destination that awaits us.

Clyde's excitement is palpable as he gazes out the window, trying to discern any clues about our destination. His curiosity fuels his imagination, and I can't help but feel a warm sense of anticipation myself. After all, this journey marks a significant turning point in our lives.

The streets of New York pass by, the city's energy filling the air around us. Clyde's chatter is ceaseless as he shares his thoughts, dreams, and observations about the world outside. It's a joy to listen to him, his words a constant reminder of the incredible journey we're embarking on together.

With each passing mile, our bond grows stronger, and I can't wait for Clyde to discover the surprise that awaits him—a reunion with the father he's longed to meet.

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