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The weight of the news hangs heavily in the air as I stand by Spencer's side, struggling to find the right words to tell him about his mother's passing. His innocent eyes search mine, sensing that something is amiss.

"Dad," Spencer's voice trembles, his gaze questioning. "What's wrong? Why were you at the hospital?"

I kneel down, placing a hand on his shoulder and taking a deep breath. "Spencer, I have something important to tell you. It's about your mom."

His brows furrow in concern, his expression growing serious. "Is Mom okay?"

A lump forms in my throat, and I meet his gaze, my heart aching for the difficult conversation ahead. "I'm so sorry, Spencer. Your mom... she passed away."

The words hang in the air, heavy and painful. Spencer's eyes widen in disbelief, and for a moment, he seems frozen, his young mind trying to comprehend the magnitude of what I've just said.

Tears well up in his eyes, and before I can react, he throws his arms around me, burying his face in my chest as he begins to sob. I hold him tightly, my own tears

falling as I let him grieve the loss of his mother.

We're not alone in this moment of sorrow. Romano, my father, enters the room with a heavy heart. He understands the pain that Spencer and I are experiencing, having lost his own wife years ago.

Romano's voice is gentle as he approaches us. "Octavius, Spencer, I'm here for you both."

Spencer looks up at Romano, his tear-streaked face revealing a mix of sadness and confusion. "Grandpa, is it true? Is Mom really gone?"

Romano kneels beside us, his presence a source of comfort. "I'm afraid so, Spencer. Your mom has passed away."

Spencer's sobs continue, and Romano places a hand on his back, offering solace. "It's okay to feel sad, Spencer. Losing someone you love is never easy."

Amid the tears, Romano's words resonate. As we huddle together, our grief shared in silence, I feel a sense of unity, a bond that transcends our pain.

After a while, Spencer's sobs begin to subside, leaving behind a quiet ache that I know will take time to heal. Romano remains by our side, his presence a pillar of strength.

"Spencer," Romano speaks gently, "I know it's hard to understand, but your mom is in a better place now. She won't feel any pain, and she'll always be a part of you."

Spencer looks up at Romano, his eyes searching for reassurance. "Do you really think so, Grandpa?"

Romano nods, his voice unwavering. "Yes, I do. She'll always be looking out for you, just like a guardian angel."

A flicker of hope touches Spencer's eyes, and he wipes his tears with the back of his hand. "I'll miss her, Grandpa."

Romano pulls Spencer into a hug, his embrace filled with compassion. "We all will, Spencer. And it's okay to miss her. Remember, you have your dad and your family here to support you."

As the weight of our loss settles in, I realize that we're not alone in our grief. Dad's presence, his words of comfort, remind me that we have each other to lean on during this difficult time.

Amid the waves of grief that engulf us, my thoughts are a turbulent mix of emotions. No matter how complicated my relationship with Anya had been, I never wanted her life to end like this. The memories of our brief connection, the moments that brought Spencer into this world, they all resurface with a bittersweet intensity.

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