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Octavius sits on the bed, clutching the letter in his hand, his emotions swirling like a storm. The weight of Aurora's departure bears down on him, and his heartache is palpable. He feels a mix of confusion, sadness, and anger. The room around him seems to close in as he tries to come to terms with the fact that the person he loves has left without a word.

Nanny Flora stands nearby, her kind eyes filled with concern. She gently places a hand on Octavius's shoulder, offering him a semblance of comfort. "I know this is incredibly difficult, Octavius," she says softly. "Aurora must have had her reasons, though we might not fully understand them right now."

Octavius looks up at Nanny Flora, his tear-streaked face showing a mixture of pain and vulnerability. "I just... I thought we could get through anything together," he chokes out between sobs. "I never expected her to leave like this."

Nanny Flora sits down beside him, giving him a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder. "Love can be both beautiful and complicated," she says, her voice carrying years of wisdom. "People make choices for their own reasons, even if it's hard for us to grasp at the moment. Remember, she mentioned that she loves you and hopes for a future where you can be a family again."

Octavius takes a shaky breath, trying to steady his emotions. He wipes his tears with the back of his hand and looks at the letter once more. "I don't even know where she's gone," he murmurs.

Nanny Flora ponders for a moment. "Perhaps you could give her some space for now. It's important to respect her decision and the time she needs to sort things out. In the meantime, focus on taking care of yourself and preparing for the baby's arrival."

Octavius nods, though he still feels a heavy ache in his chest. He folds the letter carefully and places it back on the bedside table. "Thank you, Nanny Flora," he says, his voice hoarse. "I'll try to gather myself and focus on what needs to be done."

Nanny Flora gives his hand a gentle squeeze before standing up. "Remember, Octavius, life has a way of surprising us. This might be a difficult chapter, but it's not the end of your story."

As Nanny Flora leaves the room, Octavius takes another deep breath, trying to steady his emotions. He knows that healing will take time, and that he'll need to find a way to navigate the complex emotions that come with heartbreak and the impending responsibilities of fatherhood. But for now, he lets himself grieve, allowing his tears to flow as he comes to terms with the abrupt departure of the woman he loves.

Aurora's Olivarez Pov

Walking through the streets of New York, i feel devastated. Leaving everything behind is so hard. I wonder how Octavius will feel. I am pretty sure he will be so mad, sad and definitely heartbroken.

Am i a bad wife? I keep thinking so much about it.

I am sorry my love, Its for the best. I believe you will be the best father to your son.

After walking for long, i finally decide to take a taxi and headed to see my mom. I need to let her know about everything. I can already imagine how devastated she will feel.

I also have to make her swear that she will not tell Octavius about where i will be going to.

Reaching the care center i cant help but feel nervous. How will i be able to tell her everything? I heave a deep sigh as i walk into the lobby leading to her room.

I am startled or rather surprised to see a man talking my mom as i peek through the opening on the wardroom door.

Who is this man? I curiously twist the door knob before walking inside.

*THE WAVES OF LOVE *حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن