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Octavius's Aguirre POV

The moment my lips touches hers, I feel the familiar burning sensation I felt before. I deepen the kiss making her moan. I put my one arm around her small, tiny waist pulling her towards me while my other hand cups her face holing it in place.

We kiss for I don't know how long until she suddenly withdraws from the kiss forcefully catching me off guard. She rubs off the kiss from lips with her hand and I see regret on her face. She looks at with a 'this is all wrong' kind of face.

I am about to speak but she does it first. "This was a huge mistake." She states before she rushes to the door and disappear.

Fuck! I reck my hair with my fingers feeling frustrated. I shouldn't have kissed her. I have now ruined everything. What was I thinking? I feel so stupid right now.

"Fuck fuck!" I almost yell but I hold it down. I need to punch something. I decide to head to the gym room.

I wonder where Aurora ran to. I just pray she doesn't cancel everything. We have accomplished a lot by now for her to cancel, in-fact I already paid the hospital for her mother's surgery. First thing tomorrow morning, they will operate on her.

Aurora's Olivarez Pov

I find myself outside the back yard of the mansion. This is place is really huge and beautiful, the pool is so big with dim lights in it giving it a spectacular view. How I wish to swim right now if only it weren't this cold. I need actually fresh air after what happened. So, decide to settle on one of the pool lounge chairs.

God what did I do? I am such a fool! How could I easily be manipulated by him? What difference do I make with his flings? God! I feel so cheap already.

My goodness Aurora, how are you to look at him in the face again?

"My dear, why are you out here at this time of the night? You should be asleep by now." I look up to see a woman in her 40's, I guess. I wonder who she is?

"Oh, hello there." I reply sweetly before she smiles at me. "I just wanted to get some fresh air." She nods and take a seat beside me on the next chair.

"I am nanny Flora, I guess you are Aurora. Octavius's wife?" Oh! So, she knows, I guess news travel a lot faster here. I nod before she smiles and says, "You are so beautiful." Her compliment makes my heart flutter.

*THE WAVES OF LOVE *Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ