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Octavius Aguirre's Pov

Beep! Beep! Beep! shit, can't the phone just stop buzzing? Who the hell is calling me right now? Uggh!

I lazily force my eyes open and stretch my arm so as to get hold of my phone on the bedside table. This better be an important call I swear because if not, I will definitely kill someone for ruining my precious sleep.

Agggh! So, it's my private assistant/ partner/ best friend, Jace calling me. Uuugh! Whenever he calls there is something going on I know it. Either work related or whatsoever. I roll my eyes and pick up the phone right away.

"This better be important you fucker." We always call each other by that name when we get on each other's nerves. Like now for-example, he has just ruined my sleep.

"Bro, we have a life-or-death situation here. You need to get your ass here in ten minutes if not, Anya is going to jump off the fucking building." What?

"What the fuck? Is she crazy? And why would she do that?"

"Something about you breaking her heart?" Shit, Anya is such a psycho. I slept with her once actually, a one night stand to be specific we met at a charity event, and she claimed to have a huge crush on me however I made it clear to her that I don't do dating and she agreed we would just be hooking up with no strings attached but seems like she never understood the assignment.

"And why would my presence save her?" I ask hoping he would say no but ...

"How the fuck am I supposed to know? Just get the fuck here now." He then cuts off the call. I run my fingers through my hair something I normally do when I feel frustrated. Damn it! Damn it!

Opening the door leading to the bathroom, I am startled to see a woman relaxing in the bathtub. What? Fuck! How many drinks did I have last night? I hardly remember that I brought a girl at my hotel.

Yes, you heard that right, this is one of the hotels that I own. Well technically, my family owns it and many others and since I'm the only Child in the family that makes me, they only heir and that means I own it right? Sorry I didn't mean to brag but hey it's all mine. Note the sarcasm.

"Hey handsome, want to join me?" Shit! I am pulled out of my reverie. Too bad I don't even remember her name so now I wonder what name I should call her. Well, I can just go with the common name that I use when I'm with this kind of girls and that is sweetheart.

"Well, no thanks I will pass Sweetheart." Her smile dies instantly and at this point I honestly care less. I quickly rush back to the bedroom, and I take out some cash and put it on the bed as her payment.

I dress up by putting on my pants and then my shirt and oh... Fuck. My hair looks messy, I might need a comb. I look at myself before the mirror and man I look so messy.

I try to comb my hair with my fingers well... this is bullshit. My phone buzzes again and oh... its Jace calling me again.

"Are you seriously leaving me?" I hear whoever this woman's voice is telling me behind my back.

I fake my all forever famous dimple showing smile that every woman likes and turn to face her, this smile works every time when I need something .... I walked towards her and gave her a kiss on her lips. This is normally a technique I use to soften.

Them. I then cup her face and pull a strand of her hair behind her ear before whispering to her ear.

"Thank you for your services sweetheart" .......

I then point on the bed showing her a couple of dollars that I put there earlier, before I quickly headed towards the door and wink her a goodbye.

Believe me, the look on her face was like she wants me dead right here and I

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