Rv fixed but not my heart

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After two weeks and who knows how many hours of overtime at the café, editing video and publishing them. The Rv is getting their wheels back. And that's where Four is now. At a Car shop, sitting on one of the uncomfortable,cold chairs with his phone in his hand to pass the time. He's also listening to music but with one ear bud in. He doesn't want to seem rude when they call out to him and he can't hear them.

The workers here told him about the other problems the Rv had. Four shook his head and said that he will deal with it. But...Four doesn't know how to fix an Rv let alone a fucking car. He screwed himself over and now he has to fix it or take it to a different Mechanic shop so he doesn't embarrass himself.

Can't believe I am that much of an idiot! Why?! Oh yea! I don't have that much money needed to fucking repair the damn Rv... why did I keep it again? Oh yea...it's Luigi's... ugh... Four groans and rubs his face. He's tired..he needs a break but it seems like the universe won't let him have one.

Mario crashes through the window. "EES EM GEE FOUR!!!!" Four flinches as some window pieces scrap him.

"AHH Mario you idiot! Now I have to pay for that! Ugh!" Four holds his cheek, pulling his hand away, he sees blood on his glove. Damnit.

"Sorry SMG4, I like making a GRAND ENTRANCE!" Mario raises his arms at the end of the sentence.

"Yea..yea..ugh.." Four walks up to the front desk and places three hundred dollars down. "Thanks for ruining my savings, Mario." He said sarcastically, and rolls his eyes.

"Your welcome!" Mario smiles dumbly.

Four only glares at him lightly and talks to the front desk about what happened and stuff. The lady nodded her head and took the money, just then a mechanic came out from the back.

"Good news. You Rv now has tires on it, and I made sure that it will be harder for thefts to take 'em."

"Thank you." Four sighed out of relief. Now he can drive again. 

"Come on SMG4! Let's-a go!" Mario grabs Four, lifting him up over his head and runs out.






Four sighs, "Mario, I barely have any money for shopping. Why the hell are we here?"

"Because, someone told me to bring you here and I get spaghetti from my favorite pasta restaurant."

"What. Who?" Four is a bit scared. Who the hell knows that Mario is his friends- oh wait...he posted pictures of him and his friends online...that's why...

"Don't know, don't care! Mario wants his SPAGHETTI!"

"Of course you do. Ugh.." Four rolls his eyes.

"Ah..there you two are, I thought I told you to wait for me at the entrance. Not the fountain."

Four hears that voice...it can't be. Four looks over and sees Three. Is he the one that wanted Mario to bring him here?

"Oh. WHERES MY SPAGHETTI!?" Mario yells in Three's face.

"Mario calm the hell down!" Four grabs the back of his overalls and drags Mario back towards him. Mario try's to go after Three but Four kept a good grip. "So, your the one that wanted me here? What for?"

"For shopping. Don't you have the money I gave you?"

"Uh..." A flash back plays in his mind where he stuffed the money in the box and hid it in his shoe closet. "Well...yes..but I haven't used it yet.."

My number one fan~ (SMG34 story)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt