Meeting my idol

910 24 31

Nvm I publish it 9:24pm

SMG4, also known as Four, is at a concert in line that he has been watching forever. See, he may be a famous YouTuber but he loves music, and a certain singer, and that certain singer is named SMG3, famously known has the Coffee 'n Bomb. No one knows why he chose this as his singer name but there is a rumor that he loves coffee and bombs so he put that as his name. There's also another rumor where Coffee 'n Bomb (CNB) turns down every girl that asks him out or flat out tells him that she loves him and want him to be her boyfriend.

Four right now is in line with his ticket in hand. I can't believe it! He's here in person and is going to sing! And I get to hear it in first person! Four says in his head excitedly, bouncing up and down with his heels.

Four worked hard on his YouTube account and his other side job to get a front row seat, the most expensive seat there is. He thought he was gonna have to fight for a seat but thankfully there was a seat available. He did tried to get other seats for his friends but when he offered and explained what is was most of his friends were either busy or didn't want to go. He is a bit nervous and sad that's he's going by himself but hopefully this is worth it, and it will be.

Four have his ticket to the worker and let's him through. It's a crowd and a mess, people trying to talk over others. It's hectic and gave Four a bit of a social anxiety attack.

"God I wish one of my friends were here...heck I even take Mario..." He rubs his arm up and down, biting his bottom lip. A nervous habit he got and can't stop. He gets some popcorn and drinks. He'll get some merchandise after the concert or when he leaves. Or should he get some now? Four thinks about this a little more before deciding to get them afterwards. He leaves and goes to the big stadium.

"Woah it's huge (that what she said-) .... and loud..." It's his first time ever going to one in person. He usually watches it on his tv, computer or phone but this time he wanted to go to it in person since he found out that CNB would be coming here and doing a concert. He couldn't reject the opportunity to seeing him in person, even if it's just to see him sing. Yea he could go to the autograph booth and get his signature but Four thinks about singing and how he edits. It gets tiring and Four figure that one less person would make his idol's life better.

Four sat down at his seat, not before double checking it was his seat. From what he heard from Meggy and Mario, people will try and trick others by telling them that where the person is sitting is their seat. It works most of the time but thankfully they started to stop due to people refusing or reporting them. More and more people were entering or leaving, Four is having a hard time trying to enjoy himself. He can't help but think about what if his friends were here. Four usually has one or more of his friends around, without them around him he starts to have a social anxiety attack.

"God..when will this start..?" Four mutters as he checks his phone. He should get home close to.....midnight? Hopefully later then that, his sleep schedule is already fucked. Just then the lights dim.

Is it finally starting?

Everyone got quiet real quick.

"It's the time you have been waiting for! The one
The only
Coffee n' Bomb!"

The stage lights turn on, giving Four a flash bang.

Four rubs his eyes a bit and sees his idol speed walking down the stage, bringing his up arms up and down as he goes. Everyone goes wild, and so does Four. But he stays quiet, not wanting to bother the people around him.

CNB puts the mic, that his hanging from his ear, nearer his mouth. "How is everyone doing tonight?"

Every shouts different answers. Four covered his ears a bit. This is why you stay home, idiot...

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