Explaining and workin'

447 13 27

Four open his eyes only to see Mario and Beeg staring at him with wide smiles.

"AHH-!" He falls off the bed with a loud THUD! He groans of pain. He looks at Mario and Beeg annoyed. "Why the hell are you watching me sleep?!"

"Mario woke up and got bored. So Beeg suggested to watch you sleep!"

"I-what? I- whatever...get out of my room so I can change..." Four points at the door.

Mario nods and rolls away with Beeg in his arms.

He gets changed into his regular clothes and does his morning routine. He exits his room and head to the kitchen to see what he can make for the both of them.

"So what do you guys want to ea-"

"Spaghetti." Mario cuts him off.

Four sighs. "I'm not even sure I even have the stuff to make it." He looks through his cabinets and shelf's and found pasta and pasta sauce. "Huh, well what do you know, I do have the stuff to make it!"

Mario celebrates a bit as Four makes the spaghetti. "Now Mario after I get done with making this I have to go to work."

"Tell Mario about your day yesterday!" Mario demands. Four guesses he didn't here what he said.

"Oh yea I forgot. Well yesterday, after the concert I left after buying more merchandise. When I get to my Rv an eggdog runs up to me and rubs against my leg. So I petted it a bit and the owner came up from behind apologizing to me about eggdog." He places a plate of spaghetti for Mario, Beeg, and himself (but has a smaller portion then Mario and Beeg) as he continues to explain.

"So I picked up eggdog and turned to the person only to see that it's owner is CNB HIM-FREAKING-SELF! He gave me a ride home because the wheels for my Rv got stolen, so that's a big chunk of my money taken away. He also gave me his real name and his phone number!"

"Ooooooohhhh! You gonna text him~?" Mario teases.

"A-ah! I don't know...what if he already forgot about me?" He scratches his cheek with his pointer finger nervously.

"Mario thinks he didn't forget you. Your hard to forget."

"Uh...I don't know if that's a compliment or I should take it to offense..."

Mario only smiles at him and INHALES his food. I just deadpan at him as I finish my food. "Well I'll see you two later. Gotta head to work."

"Where do you work again?"

"A café close to here."

"Isn't that called the Dog café? GASSSPPP DO YOU WEAR DOG EARS AND A TAIL?!"

"MARIO, THE HELL?!" Four gets flustered at his accusation. He sighs. "But...your not wrong.." he mutters.

"What did you say?!!"

"N-NOTHING BYE-" Four slams the door shut. Mario and Beeg both look at each other.

"Mario wants to follow him...but I promised Meggy to hang out with her...oh well! Bye Beeg!" Mario waves goodbye and leaves out through the window.


Four is walking to his job since it is really close and he still need to get his wheel back on his Rv.

Mario wasn't wrong about the ear and tail thing...


You see the boss and Four in an office talking about work and what is expected. "So when you work here you have a choice between wearing a normal workers outfit or a maid outfit with dog ears and tails"

My number one fan~ (SMG34 story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang