Murtasim spent the rest of the day at the hospital overseeing security going with the medical camp. He was sending his world with them for two weeks. There was no margin for error. It was a different issue that he was in the middle of a significant disagreement with his world. Since Armaan was not here, he checked over the firearms and equipment, tested all the security guards himself and went over their background checks again. Murtasim triple-checked all the emergency supplies they were taking to the Mithi.

He then had a lengthy meeting with the director of the medical camp, Dr. Qasim Saeed and the security head for the trip, Zafar Israni and went over the itinerary for every day of the camp, meaning he ran late and skipped dinner. He returned to Haveli around 1 am to be greeted with silence and packed bags of his wife in the corner of the family room. When he entered his room, his heart skipped a beat. His lifeline was asleep on the sofa, in an awkward sitting position. It meant that she was waiting for him. He grabbed the blanket from the bed and set her and his feet on the coffee table, wrapping his arms around her. Murtasim Khan slept, holding his world, protected and safe in his arms.

Meerab woke up wrapped in the arms of her husband. This man was her universe. He was her identity. He looked so peaceful in his sleep that no one would believe that Murtasim Khan had turned her world upside down yesterday. This broken man was hers, but that did not mean she would accept his unreasonable request. If he was the mighty Murtasim Khan, she was his partner, Meerab Murtasim Khan. She had learnt to hold her ground from him. Meerab now understood what the wise older generation meant when they said that people whom we love the most are the people who test your boundaries the most. As she got up to get ready for her trip, she fixed his blanket to protect him from the chill.

Murtasim woke up to emptiness. His eyes instantly scanned for Meerab. Instead, they landed on the clock. He jumped from the sofa straight to the bathroom to get ready. She was leaving for two weeks today, and he was hoping to get some alone time in the car to talk to her. Hopefully, he would find a different way for her to see his perspective and apologize for walking out on her. Tears were welled up in her eyes; it was a picture he could not take out of his mind. It was as if a hand was choking him constantly. When he reached the family room, Murtasim was met with a disapproving look from Badi Amma. "This is such a big day for my daughter Murtasim; how can you be late?"

Murtasim noticed that they were ready to leave. His eyes met hers, and the hurt in them buckled him at his knees, "Sorry, Badi Amma, I overslept," Murtasim said, looking straight into his wife's eyes. His silent apology met with a quiet refusal from her. Murtasim was standing on one side, and his family stood behind his wife opposite him. Her protectors from him, Murtasim realized.

"We are taking Meerab with us to the hospital to drop her off," Agha Jaan announced, fire in his eyes for his grandson. Azan and Ayat stood beside Meerab, holding each hand, "If you have time, you can follow us in a different car."

Junaid came up behind Murtasim as the family left with Meerab, "I don't know or care what you have done to put that look on Meerab's face, but Murtasim Khan, you better fix it," Junaid informed his best friend, "You family is ready to bury you and I am inclined to help them. Get your shit together, Murtasim. She is a blessing, don't fuck it up." His warning given, Junaid walked out to catch up with the rest of the family.

Murtasim followed his family in a different car while feeling a piece of him was missing. When they reached the drop-off point, he saw her bid goodbyes to the family. Badi Amma and Agha ji both did a warna for her sadqa. The twins engulfed her in a bear hug. Junaid hugged her, kissing her forehead, and instructed his wife as Murtasim stood back and watched. He thought he had given his family enough time with her, so Murtasim walked up to them. He grabbed Meerab's hand and pulled her from the circle of the family. Hell with everyone.

He will fight the world for her, including his family, if it comes to her. He was aware of all the eyes on them, but he was a man on the mission. When he pulled on her arm, he felt a tug. His Meerab was standing her ground. Murtasim turned, and his eyes met hers. In that instant, Murtasim Khan realized he could fight his family, the world and even god, but he could not resist his wife's eyes. Whatever he had to say to her had to be in front of everyone, meaning he only had the margin to say goodbye. Not bothering about being the centre of attention, Murtasim took off his Chaddar, wrapped it around his wife and said, "You better take excellent care of yourself. And remember that the Khan of these people would die without you."

"You take care of yourself too, Khan Sahab," Meerab said, overcome with emotion, "This does not mean that I am giving up Khan Sahab."

Murtasim sighed, "Neither am I," Murtasim said. People be damned. He gathered her in his arms and placed a kiss on the top of her head.

As his wife walked towards her group of fellow medical students of the camp, Murtasim went to Zafar, "I am trusting you with the most precious thing in my life, Zafar. She is your only priority. Something happens to her, and there will not be a place where you could hide." Zafar nodded in understanding as Murtasim saw his wife climb onto the bus.

Taking his fill of her from afar, Murtasim tried to figure out how he would remain sane for the next two weeks. 

Happy New Year My Lovely Arziyaan Family. 

Complaints and criticisms are welcome in the comments. Please let me know how this chapter was. The only New Year's resolution I have this year is to publish once a week, just like before. So all of you now have the permission to kick my ass if I don't.  See you in the comments. 

Be Kind,


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