Distance and Proximities

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"There is a part of me, that lives in a part of you, so we are never apart."
― Timothy Joshua Chia

"She stuck a bookmark in his heart and walked away."
― Saul Williams, 

Meerab's internal clock woke her up at her usual time. The clock glowed that it was 3 am. As Meerab turned on the lamp on her side table, her gaze fell to the other side of the bed. She was accustomed to Khan Sahab being sprawled over most of the bed, safe from the worries of his world in sleep. The emptiness of the bed seeped into her. His absence was gut-wrenching. He had left angry and taken a piece of her heart with him. He was not her physically, but Meerab felt her husband's presence everywhere. It was as if she was missing a limb from her body. During the daytime, she kept busy with university, family, and the little Dua - Juanaid and Heer's baby girl. Books were Meerab's solace at night. It was when she lay in the bed to sleep that the coldness crept in.

Khan Sahab had been away for three and half weeks and had not said a single word to her. Meerab knew Khan Sahab was working around the clock. Khan Sahab video called her at seven pm sharp every evening, which meant it was three in the afternoon in London. They do not say a single word to each other. She watched him handle meetings, and Khan Sahab oversaw her study. They would keep stealing glances at each other. Sometimes, Meerab just wanted to give in and agree not to go to medical camp to hear his voice. Khan Sahab was being childish and stubborn.

All Khan Sahab had to do was talk to her. Communication was the only thing she had asked of him in this marriage, but her adorable husband was choosing to throw a tantrum. He had promised her communication, and Meerab would hold him accountable. Meerab decided to wait him out as she did with Ayat and Azan until they realized their mistake. Khan Sahab was not allowed to shut down because he did not get what he wanted. They would have arguments in the future, too. Meerab wanted their first one to be the precedent of how they would resolve all future fights. Meerab knew by now that he could be Khan Murtasim Khan to the outside world, but she was the ruler of his heart.

Meerab knew her husband well, so she purposely chose not to wear her bangles during their video call yesterday. Meerab did not think her husband could sulk more, but he proved her wrong when he realized there were no bangles. His eyes had narrowed at the phone screen, and the brown orbs had become dark in anger. There was a sharp intake of breath before he left the meeting, stating a five-minute break, and he walked back into the conference room like a thunderstorm. Meerab felt terrible for the employees, but desperate times demanded desperate measures.

By god, Meerab missed him. She craved his scent, his strength, even his thundering moods. She missed Khan Sahan yelling for Coffee mid-morning. Meerab missed standing in the closet in the morning and deciding on her husband's clothes as she reviewed his calendar. She longed for his hugs. She missed being irritated at his untidiness. She desired his vitality. She yearned for his warmth. Meerab closed her eyes and wished Khan Sahab was here. Just then, the door of their bedroom opened. Khan Sahab walked in being himself- magnificent, solid, and a little rowdy. He kicked the door shut and accused her with a voice laced with love and defeat, "You don't play fair, Begum."

Murtasim threw his suit jacket on the sofa and kicked off his shoes one by one as he made his way toward the bed to his wife. He watched her expression change from shock to realization and then delight at his arrival. Then she got off the bed and ran into his arms. Murtasim felt his world return to its axis. He gave her a bone-crushing hug, raising her a bit off the floor and walking her to the bed. He gently laid her down, walked around to his side of the bed, and did something he had been thinking of doing all his flight. Murtasim Khan put his head in Begum's lap. He was finally home.

Meerab felt at peace as Khan Sahab laid his head in her lap, "You are home early, Khan Sahab? Is all of your work done?" Meerab asked as she gently ran fingers through his silky mane.

Muratim looked up at his life, bewitched by her allure as he played with her hair, "Don't worry, Begum Sahiba, all the issues are resolved, and the London office is back to normal. Your husband fulfilled his responsibilities just as you ordered him."

Meerab eyes filled with warmth and love at her husband's antics. "I am very proud of you, Shauhar Sahab," she countered, kissing his forehead softly.

"You did not wear your bangles, Begum," Murtasim complained.

"You promised me communication, Khan Sahab," Meerab responded.

"You are more stubborn than I am. You missed me. You wore my cologne and replaced your pajama top with my t-shirt, but you won't talk to me." Murtasim was ecstatic that she had chosen to wear his t-shirt. He found immense pleasure in the fact that his begum smelled like him.

Meerab turned crimson at her husband's comment. Lashes covered her eyes as she replied timidly, "You are the one who chose to stay silent first."

Murtasim could not fathom why but her shyness pleased him immensely, "And you knew exactly how to break my silence. Choodiyaan nahi pehni aur sukoon cheen liya mera," Murtasim leisurely traced a finger along her cheekbone. "I am your slave, dear begum. You can keep me however you want. I have learned my lesson. I am useless to the world without you. I don't know how to function without you. My angel, my salvation, my home- your fears are my fears too. I promise that I will take my safety more seriously. I will follow all the security plans Armaan makes for me. I will not walk into places thinking I am invincible. And I am sorry that I did not notice how scared you were for me." Murtasim tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, "I concede defeat. No one will take away the credit for your hard work from you. You will go to the medical camp as planned. If you can handle me, the tribal rebels will need protection from you. "

A tear escaped Meerab's eye. How had she gotten so lucky to have this man in her life, "You are my blessing from Allah, Khan Sahab." Meerab said, "And I will take as much security as you want to the medical camp Khan Sahab."

Murtasim wiped her tears away with his thumb and gathered her in his arms, "Aapke deewane ko aapse beinteha ishq hai Meerab, main aapka muhafiz hoon lekin hifaazat toh aap karti hain meri rooh ki," Murtasim said and for the first time in a month slept peacefully holding his life in his arms.

The following week was a blur. Meerab was giving her final exam to be a doctor, so Murtasim took a week off work to help her study. He fed her meals as she scoured over books. He made her take proper breaks. Murtasim made flashcards of all the diseases and their symptoms and would go over them with her. When Meerab would kick him out, he would play with baby Dua who already had the entire Haveli wrapped around her finger. Murtasim oversaw the renovations for Meerab Manzil. Murtasim was more nervous about her exams than his begum. On the day of her final exam, Murtsim was so stressed that he could not eat anything. He had anxiously waited outside the university in his car the whole time Meerab was writing the exam. When she finally came out and sat in the car, Murtasim took her in a bone-crushing hug. "You had promised me one week, Begum, " Murtasim reminded his wife.

"Yes, I did, Khan Sahab," Meerab agreed. The smile on her husband's face was intoxicating.

"Our bags are packed. We are leaving now. The plane is waiting at the Karachi airport for us. I am taking you away, Begum." Murtasim declared as he drove the car out to the highway, his motorcade following him to Karachi.

A/N- Comments, Chappals and Criticism are all welcome. Please let me know how you guys liked this chapter. I am so grateful to all of you for reading and appreciating Arziyaan.

Keep Shining,


ArziyaanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora