8. When Things Change

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"Your parents always throw the most amazing New Year's party

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"Your parents always throw the most amazing New Year's party." Adam says as he slings his arm around my shoulder. Is it bad that I just want to lean into his touch? Nothing else as happened between us since my birthday, and I swear I do not know what the hell he wants. Sometimes we are just hairs breath away from our lips touching but then nothing. It's like a light switch's in his head and he backs away.

"Yeah, and everyone at school wants an invite, and I do not even know half of these fools."

"They want a sugar daddy, or in Mikayla's case a sugar mama." I push him off of me and he stumbles back laughing.

Why is he my best friend again? Better yet why do I still want to kiss the fucking idiot?

"Fuck off."

I walk away still hearing his laughter and I just lift up my hand flipping him off. It's the last day of school for the next two weeks. I cannot believe that it is Christmas already. I walk past the flyer as I internally groan. We have the stupid assembly today and I forgot I was coerced into singing. I turn on my heals and head back towards my locker when someone yanks on my arm and I get dragged into the boy's bathroom.

"What the fuck?"

Before me stands Adam as he licks his lips looking at me. Fuck! Why is he doing this to me? He pushes me against the bathroom door and bends down and his lips capture mine. Shit! It has been three months since I have felt his lips. When his tongue slips into my mouth, my legs become shaky. He growls as my hands land in his hair and pull on it. He deepens the kiss and I moan, then there is nothing as my eyes fling open.

"Shit!" He backs up and grabs his hair. "I'm sorry Bray, fuck I shouldn't have." I step closer to him and pull him by the back of his neck until his lips connect with mine. "The things I want to do to you." He moans into the kiss as our bodies become flushed together. "Fuck, we can't." He steps away again and this time I let him.

"Then don't fucking do it again!" Anger boils inside of me because he can't keep doing this to me. It's confusing the fucking hell out of me.

"I can't fucking help it!" He yells, I turn around to leave, because I can't be dealing with this when my nerves are getting the best of me. "I'm going to seventeen soon Bray and it's wrong."

"Fuck you!" I grab hold of the handle but just as I unlock it and get ready to open it, he slams it back shut. I turn and glare at him, but my anger dies a little when I see the torment in his eyes. "Adam." His hand comes up and caresses my face, but I can't move, I cannot let this become more than it already is starting to. I will not lose him for whatever attraction we have for each other.

"I'm sorry Bray." He pulls me into a hug, and I let him, I swear lately I let him do whatever he wants with me, and that has to stop or one day it is going to destroy us. I feel his lips touch my neck and I shiver as he holds me tighter. "I won't lose you Bray." I pull back just enough to give a weak smile.

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