1. Don't Be A Pussy

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As far as I can remember Adam and I have been best friends

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As far as I can remember Adam and I have been best friends. I have known him since I was three even if I do not remember that time well. All I know is that he has always been a constant in my life. Even though he is almost three years older than me, we were as close as close can be. Why he chose to hang around me, I still don't understand to this day.

Maybe I'm not meant to understand. Maybe I'm just to move on with my life and grow from what once was. Where did we go wrong? I honestly don't know. I just know that everything that has happened in my life is because of him, I owe him so much. He may never realize how much he has meant to me...what he still means to me.

The beginning of my story does not start with me collapsing on stage to my first live concert. No, that is just the in-between, from the beginning to the end of my story. It's where I am still trying to figure my shit out, pray that I come to a conclusion before it's too late.

My beginning starts when a boy not so much older than me comes into my life. He changes everything in it, sometimes I'm not sure if that is a good or bad thing, I haven't decided yet. I may have been young, but I can still see the sadness, heartache and turmoil that lies within Adam Hart's to this day.

You see Adam is my best friend even if he can be a total douchebag at times. All I know is I do not know where my life would be without him. Even right now, when he is being the annoying prick that he is.

"Come on Bray, don't be such a pussy." Adam shoves my shoulder as I strum away on my guitar. I swear if he breaks my guitar, I will break his face. My dad gave me this guitar and I cherish it more than any other possession I have.

"I don't know man. I'm not even sure my parents will approve."

He gives me this incredulous look like I'm stupid or something. So, I just roll my eyes at him, but I should know he is not going to let this up.

"Why not? You are very talented, and I know it will be a hit. You never know one day you will be playing in front of millions of people, and I will be your choreographer." I stop playing my guitar and just stare at my best friend.

Seriously what the hell is he thinking?

"You're joking right?"

When he doesn't say anything, I burst out into laughter and shove his shoulder. Thus making him fall over and I laugh even harder. "What? You know I got the moves, and you got the voice. So why the fuck not? Every singer has dancers, and I will make those moves off the hook." He gets up and starts dancing, I have to give it to him, the boy can dance. But I shake my head at this pipe dream.

"It'll never happen. I mean I am only thirteen, besides when I'm old enough I will be taking over the family business."

He plops back down next to me and sighs. "Fuck that! Follow your dreams, Bray. You are super fucking talented. I know you can go far with it. Maybe I can be your manager."

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