Southern Consolation

Start from the beginning

I opened the garage door from my phone, backing out immediately closing it when I pulled off.

I drove as fast as I could to the hospital. I was trying not to speed, but damn, I was worried as hell.

I finally got to the hospital. I rushed the girls in, struggling a bit with the car seat. At one point, Malikai woke up screaming, and I had to stop, putting her pacifier in her mouth.

I went to the receptionist, not even knowing what to ask for. "May I help you?" she asked.

"Uh. Let me call real quick," I said pulling out my phone.

I pressed Malik's contact calling again. It didn't pick up the first two times, but finally, it did. "Trevon?" the same voice came through. "You're hur?"

"Yes," I spoke. "I'm not sure whur ta find y'all," she then told me the location of the room.

"Can you wait til I get down thur? I don't want the girls seein' their mama like this,"

Oh shit. My eyes went wide.

"Tasha? Is she okay?" I asked low that Madison wouldn't hear.

"She got shot twice. We think it was by the nigga she loved wit,"

My mouth dropped open. My heart immediately sank. It was breaking for him. 

"I'm on the way down, now. Her family is hur, so they're gonna handle everything—it's just...Malik," I heard her start crying. "My poor brother, he really loved that girl—and my nieces—their mama. I-I can't imagine. I don't even know how ta break the news. I don't want to tell them," she cried. "Anyway, I'm comin'. Thank you, again. I'll see you in a few minutes," she hung up. I was left there speechless.

"Sir?" the receptionist called out to me.

"S-sorry," I apologized. "C'mon," I called out to Madison taking them to the waiting area.

A few minutes later, Malik's sister came around the corner. "Aunty Mia!" Madison squealed.

"Shhh, Bug. You can't be loud. This is a hospital," she scolded her.

"Sorry," she whispered.

His sister then took the car seat out of my hand then looked up at me. "Thank you fa watchin' them,"

I nodded. "It's nothin'," I spoke.

"Now, please go get my brother. I'll watch them,"

I nodded again, lightly jogging to the elevator. I could feel my heart beating through my chest.

It felt as if the world slowed down when I got off the elevator, but it immediately sped up again when I heard Malik's voice reverberating through the halls.

"I DON'T GIVE A FUCK!" he yelled. "I'M NOT LEAVIN' HER!" he cried. I feel so bad. I continued to walk to the room where people were going in and out. I even saw a few cops walking around which made me nervous.

"Malik, please calm down. You can't get locked up, please," I heard another voice say.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" I hear him yell again. I walked up to the room, seeing Malik frantically crying next to a mostly covered-up body.

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