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"Ehh? So you still have those types of problems after all this time, huh?"

In the infirmity room, where Atsushi was still lying unconscious after Emi and Dazai had brought him along with the Tanizaki siblings back, Doppo was sitting at the side of the bed, his usual put-together appearance slightly disheveled. He sat straight in the metal folding chair as he read his notebook, but the book was upside-down while his glasses, usually placed neatly on his nose, sat on top of his hair. Not a single hair on his head was misplaced nor was his clothes a mess, but these subtle changes were enough to tell Emi that he was anxious. She didn't blame him either. Over the years they had been in the Agency, they had clashed with the Port Mafia time and time again, so it was no secret as to how strong they were. With there being a potential war on the horizon, or worse, any normal person would get anxious. Despite that though, Emi was her usual self. Even as her brother was silently freaking out, she was having a casual conversation with one of her oldest and closest friends.

"Sadly, but it's all fine. I've got all the family I need right here." Sitting on the sill of the open window was a pure white crow. Her feathers were pristine, her beak clean enough to almost see your reflection, and her claws were perfectly curved but sharp enough to easily pierce any choice of prey. 

"But, Shiro~ Out of everyone I know, you deserve a family of your own the most." Emi had been insistent on this matter for a while now and it wasn't like Shiro was against it, but some animals were just as judgemental as humans.

Shiro let out a light chuckle at the girl. "Just be patient, jeez. I'm sure I'll find that special crow someday. Just like I'm sure you'll find yours."

Her face immediately scrunched up into one of disgust as she pulled back slightly from the window. "No thank you. I'm fine with being single forever."

"Mhm. You say that now, but just wait 'til you meet that special someone~"

"Ugh." She dramatically rolled her eyes. "Don't you have some food to scavenge or something?"

Shiro let out a light chuckle as she turned toward the city. "Yeah, I guess I do. Oh!" She looked back at Emi. "Do you want me to send Ryu by later?"

"Yeah, I haven't seen him in a bit, so it'd be nice."

"You know how he is, always skulking around by himself. Well, I'll be off now. Be sure to stay out of trouble, alright?"

"Mhm," she hummed before giving the crow a grin. "No promises."

With one final wave to one another, Shiro flew off into the city. Then, after a moment, Emi closed the window partially. Raising her arms above her head, she stretched for a few seconds, and after she heard some nice cracks and pops, she lowered her arms once again.

"Hey, Aniki, it's almost lunchtime. You want me to grab something for you?" Emi asked as she headed for the door.

"Yes, please. Thank you," he replied as he continued to look intently at the upside-down notebook.

"'Kay, be back in a bit." With that being said, she left the infirmary, closing the door behind her as she stepped out into the office area. 

Ranpo, as he usually was when he wasn't out, sat at his desk munching on a variety of snacks. When he noticed Emi, he momentarily stopped eating and grinned as he raised his hand to get her attention. "Emi! Can you grab some ramune while you're out?"

"Already planned on it," she replied with a chuckle and a smile thrown at him.

"Thaaanks!" Then, he went right back to eating the bag of chips in his hand.

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