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Unlike the previous morning, Emi was awake and ready before Doppo's alarm even had the chance of going off. When he did finally come out of his room, with his pajamas still on, she was already finishing up breakfast. "G'morning, Aniki," she said after flipping a pancake, a blueberry one to be exact. A sugary yet somewhat healthy breakfast.

"You're up early," he commented as he made his way over to the coffee maker, just to find the pot had already been made.

"Yeah, Shiro decided to drop by early. Apparently, Jeffery has been making a ruckus again," she replied with a sigh before getting the pancake out of the pan.

Doppo let out a sigh as well while he poured his coffee. "That bird is going to bite off more than he can chew one of these days."

"No kidding." She poured the rest of the batter into the pan, making a fresh wave of sizzling sound. "I already got after him. Again. Marshall really needs to keep a better eye on him." The birds in question were two of four seagulls Emi had befriended just last year. For a set of brothers, they were a real handful, especially Jeffery. Out of all the birds she had met, he was the biggest headache. If someone so much as looked at him wrong, or didn't give him a bit of their food, he would go and poop on them. Sometimes he didn't even need a reason, he just had to be bored enough.

"Now you know what it's like," he simply stated before taking a drink of his coffee, just to set it down a second later. 

"What's that supposed to mean?" she asked with a slight pout.

"I'll be back." Before she could say anything, he was already out of the kitchen.

With a quiet huff to herself, she flipped the pancake. "I wasn't that bad..."

A few minutes later, they were both sitting at the table with their plates of four pancakes each. After thanking for the food, Emi went to take a bite, but her phone ringing stopped her dead. With an annoyed sigh, she set her fork down and fished her phone out, knowing exactly who it was.

"Osamu Dazai, this is the second day in a row that you've interrupted my breakfast. What." To say she was annoyed and possibly grumpy now would be an understatement. Out of all of the times he could call, he always called right when she was about to eat, without fail. She could be doing absolutely nothing, but the moment she goes to eat is always when he decides to call.

"And good morning to you too, Sunshine!" his overly-happy voice sounded.

"What. Do. You. Want."

It was silent on the other side for a moment. "It's a life or death situation?" He had meant for it to come out as more of a hopeful statement, but even he knew that this was a lost cause.

"Hm. Maybe I can eat in peace then."

"Emi~ Please~" he asked with a bit of a whiny tone. "I'm not joking this time, I'm really suffering here!"

"Well, Osamu, maybe you'll learn from your mistakes. So, have fun suffering!" she said with a cheerful tone before hanging up the call. After shoving her phone back into her pocket, she took a bite of her now lukewarm pancakes.

"That idiot again?" Doppo asked with an exasperated look.

"Mhm," she hummed with a nod as she swallowed. "I swear, if he interrupts my breakfast tomorrow, I'll personally ruin his dream of committing suicide."

Once they were finished with their breakfast and the other few things that needed to be done, they both slipped their shoes on and left for the Agency. Usually, the two would just chat about random topics that had nothing to do with work such as the latest animal gossip, a sale on stationary, and even the weather, at times. So it was a slight surprise to Doppo when Emi started talking about the boy from last night. She wasn't one to talk about random strangers that they happened to meet on a case, even if they ended up being rather interesting.

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