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Business at Cafe Uzumaki was finally starting to slow down. It was a regular occurrence for them to be close to full capacity every day at lunchtime. With the Armed Detective Agency and the law firm being in the same building as the cafe, they always found themselves busy during the week. That isn't to say that their weekends were dead though. Plenty of people visited the cafe, not just for its wonderful pastries and other food items they made, but for their perfectly brewed coffee. There wasn't a customer that came in that ever left disappointed.

With a hum of delight, Emi cupped her left cheek. "This is definitely a keeper," she said with a blissful smile. Then, she cut into the slice of red velvet cake once more before savoring the bite. If you asked her, words like "delicious," "enchanting," and even "heavenly" weren't nearly enough to describe how Cafe Uzumaki's food tasted. They alone had the city's best-tasting deserts, maybe even the country's best deserts. To Emi, to live life without tasting at least one of this cafe's deserts was to live an empty life.

"You say that about everything, Emi," the cute waiter said with a light chuckle.

"That's because everything you guys make is so good!"

Before either one could say anything else, the "ding" of the elevator sounded, catching Emi's attention. As she expected, Doppo, Dazai, Atsushi, Jun'ichiro, and Naomi came out into the cafe. With a mouth full of food, she happily waved to the five.

"You're back early," Doppo commented as he sat on the stool to her left. Dazai took the stool on her right while the other three sat at a nearby booth.

"Yeah, it was a pretty rudimentary case. The wife ended up poisoning her husband for the insurance claim. She kept her act up to the end though, I'll give her that." 

"I'm sorry!!" Jun'ichiro loudly exclaimed as he bowed to Atsushi, who was somewhat bewildered. "Even though it was just a test, I still acted pretty horribly," he added as he raised his head to look at the silver-haired boy with worry painted all over his face.

"Ah, no. It's fine." Atsushi held his hands up in an assuring manner.

"Aw, now I'm really disappointed that I missed it..." Emi said with a pout. Jun'ichiro being rude would definitely be a first.

"I'm sort of an assistant here at the agency," he continued, disregarding Emi's comment. "My name's Jun'ichiro Tanizaki. Can you ever forgive me?"

"It's fine, really," Atsushi assured with an awkward smile.

With a quiet sigh of relief, he sat up with a smile. "And this here is-"

"His little sister, Naomi!" she finished, throwing her arms around his neck, making him blush.

"You... you two are brother and sister?" Atsushi unsurely asked. "For some reason, I thought you had a different relationship."

"Oh? You think I'm lying?" she replied as she ran her fingers along Jun'ichiro's jawline. Slowly, they trailed further down, until her hand was under the hem of his shirt. "There's absolutely no doubt that we're related to each other. None at all. The two of us are more similar than you'd think. Right, big brother?"

"You'll leave this subject alone if you know what's good for you," Doppo said from next to the table before Atsushi could even begin to question it any further.

"Uh... okay."

"Listen closely, Kid. Now that you've joined our ranks, you should try to act accordingly. Unlike some people, I could mention!" he said, aiming the last part at the siblings who were... doing something. "I work to uphold the Agency's good name. We are all committed to that goal. Well, at least some of us are. Right," he turned back to the stools, "Dazai?"

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