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The morning was peaceful and quiet, the perfect morning anyone could ask for. Not a cloud in the sky and the sounds of birds came from outside a nice, quiet-

"EMI! FOR THE THIRD TIME, WAKE UP!!!" The lovely owner of this calm voice was none other than an irritated Doppo Kunikida. Though this sight wasn't a very uncommon one. At least once a week, without fail, his younger sister would be almost impossible to wake.

With a groan, she rolled onto her side, looking at her older brother who just looked like an older male version of herself. They shared the same eyes, brows, and even hair, though hers was twice the length of his and currently a matted mess. She let out a big yawn as she sat up. "Morning, Aniki," she said as she rubbed at her eyes.

"You were supposed to be awake two minutes and seventeen seconds ago," he stated in annoyance as he tapped his foot against the wooden floor, having his arms crossed as well. "Hurry up and get dressed, or we'll be late for work too."

"Will do, Capitano," she said with a lazy salute as he left her room. After stretching her arms for a second, she got up from the heavenly warm embrace of her futon, being met with the cooler air of the room. After grabbing her folded stack of work clothes, she went to the bathroom to do her morning routine, though she always ended up doing it in a different order, depending on her mood.

After a few minutes, she was finished. Her long dirty blonde hair was parted in the middle with two pieces framing her face, the piece on the right being slightly longer than the left and both of them ending with a small wave. In place of her previous tank top and shorts that she wore as pajamas was a dark green bomber jacket with a tan lining over a white undershirt with a brown tie hanging slightly loose from the collar, and a pair of tan chino pants. She finished off the look with a simple gold tie clip. 

"Emi! Breakfast is done!" Doppo called out from the kitchen as she exited the bathroom.

"See, I was right on time," she said as she came into the kitchen, seeing her brother setting down the plates of omurice.

"That doesn't change the fact that you slept in," he sighed as Emi sat across from him.

She quickly stuck her tongue out before saying thanks for the food. Still a little annoyed, Doppo followed suit. Right as Emi was about to take the first bite of her food, her phone began ringing. A familiar tone that both siblings knew all too well. With a light groan, she set her chopsticks down and fished her phone from her right breast pocket, seeing it was "Suicidal Maniac." To go with the name, a little blocky animated figure was swinging back and forth from a rope, his feet swinging from "decline" to "answer" and back to "decline" before she swiped the "answer" button.

"What do you want?" she immediately asked.

"Emi! Good morning!" he responded with his usual cheery tone.

"Mhm, yeah." Her brows shot up for a split second. "Whaddya want?"

"I'm a little stuck. It's a life or death situation."


"No- I need help. You know I don't like pain and suffering," he whined.

"I haven't eaten yet, so... enjoy your pain and suffering. See ya at work," she said before ending the call and shoving the first bite of food into her mouth, letting out a hum of delight as soon as the flavor exploded on her tongue.

"What is that idiot doing this time?" Doppo asked, already feeling exhausted by the thought of his partner.

"Probably another suicide attempt," she replied once she finished the first deliciously sweet bite of food. 

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