Chapter 9

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Since we arrived in the afternoon, I had a few hours to relax. Neia helped me settle in and instructed the servants not to come in unless called. Anakin and Rex joined me and we started to make plans for security. Any room that I was going to enter would need to be checked, and even the Ashes would be helping with security. As the sun started setting, we headed to the dining room. Rex and Anakin flank either side of me, and Neia leads us.

"Wait here," Anakin heads in, clearing the room. He calls us on the common link to come in.

No one is inside besides us. I take a seat at the low table and sit cross legged on the floor. The foods look familiar but I can't remember the taste. Neia loads my plate with foods before placing it in front of me, "You can start now," she whispers low to me, "As this is informal. At formal meals-"

"I must wait for my father to take the first bite, or my mother. Whoever is of the highest rank must," I state clearly, "I remember, I have not been gone that long from Isha."

"Of course, Princess."

The room is quite for about ten minutes as I eat before I get bored and turn my attention to Anakin and Rex, "Yes Princess," Anakin asks before I can even speak.

"How long have you and Rex served together?"

"Pretty much since the beginning of the war."

"Do they normally send Padawans on their own missions to the point that they get their own unit to command?"

"I will be taking my final trails or test before reaching Jeidi Knight very soon."

"I see."

"Then he will be stuck with us," Rex joins in.

"And what do you value most about working with Padawan Skywalker," I am surprised by his answer.

"His loyalty and experience."

A door at the far end of the room opens, and the parents of Princess Tais enter. I stand up slowly and smoothly before dropping onto one knee and crossing my right arm over my chest, "Mother, Father," I greet them.

"Tais," Doyenne Masha rushes to greet me. She wraps me in tight hug, "Thank you for bringing her back in one piece," she addresses Anakin.

"Dear, Tais must be tired," Doyen Damir Gosha states, joining our hug, 'Why don't we head back to her room, and she can tell us all about her travels."

We make small talk back to my room but as soon as the door closes, "Is my daughter here," the Doyene asks.

"I greet you, Doyen and Doyene," I drop down to one knee, crossing both arms over my chest, "Your daughter is safe and will be arriving with our master on the day of the ceremony."

"Please stand up," the Doyen gently states, "I don't want you to get into any trouble."

Anakin helps me up and I had back my wince from my aching rib, "Jedi's are allowed and encouraged to follow their cultures. She will not get into trouble."

"We have a lot to go over," I motion to the chairs.

We spend the next hour going over the plan with the Doyen and Doyene. From rites, to parties, security, and even the basic plan for the switch back, "Myself or Caption Rex will be with your 'daughter' at all times when she is outside of her room."

"If you notice anything or get a bad feeling," I continue, "let one of us know. As well, the fewer people that know about this, the better. Even your most trusted advisers cannot be trusted for now."

Over the next week, Neia helps me whenever I get stuck either on names or events and gently reminds me of the answer. Rex, Jesse, or Anakin is always with me whenever I leave the Princess' rooms. Rex and Jesse have been wearing Ash uniforms to blend in as well since guest have started to arrive. No attempts have been made and after trying to contact Obi-wan, we hatch a plan to hopefully get the assassin to make a mistake.

Four days before the Crowning Ceremony, a royal dinner is held for the guests that are here. Including the Duchess of Mandalore, the Ambassador of Naboo, and several other Senators and planet leaders. In a long silver dress and shiny blue head covering, I help Neia place a shell arrangement on my head. Silver threads that is woven holds the shells in place. Anakin is to my right, and Neia is five steps behind as we make our way to the dining hall. My 'parents' are already at their seats when I enter the room. Klaus announces me, "Princess Tais."

People make room for me and my group. A cold feeling rushes over me as I move deeper into the room. I stop and look at Anakin. He confirms that he can feel it to with a subtle, "Your Highness, are you alright?"

I let my body shake a little, "Yes," I turn to Neia, waving her closer, "Do I have to be here," I speak softly but loud enough that people close to us would hear."

"I'm afraid that you can't miss this event, Your Highness."

"You are safe, Your Highness," Anakin plays his part perfectly.

Everything is going as planned. The Doyen and Doyenne play the loving parents, guests greet us warmly, and Klaus, along with other Ashes and Anakin, watches over us. All the dishes are wonderful. From the wild nor meat baked with starchy orange vegetables to the clear broth soup that smells like flowers. A baked dessert that contains a rare Naboo fruit called erican, is brought out for everyone but me. As the real Princess Tais is allergic to it. Instead, a warm fried pastry containing local apples is brought. It surprises me with a hint of citrus.

"Princess Tais," the Queen of Naboo's Ambassador calls for my attention, "Do you not like ericans?"

I finish my bite that is in my mouth before replying, "I am afraid that they do not like me, I am so happy that all our guest get to try this rare treat."

"Rare indeed," his tone showing that he does not believe me.

"A toast," Duchess Satine suggest rising to her feet drink in hand, "To the new Royal family of Isha. May wisdom guide you."

Everyone drinks and Neia brings me a new cup taking my old one away, "My Lady," our plan is set in motion, "To Princess Tais," a Senator from a Neutral system rises, "May you grow to be as wise as your mother and father. But hopefully only the beauty of your mother takes," everyone laughs at the small joke.

I stand to accept the toast, "Thank you, Senator, for your good wishes. I thank you all for coming," I raise my cup to everyone. As I lift it to my face, I stop as a coughing fit comes on. I cover my face and set my drink down. Neia quickly comes to my side. Anakin looks confused.

I pull my hand away when I can't stop. Red covers my palm and my chest tightens, air squeezes out of my lungs, "Princess," Neia yells. Anakin is next to me as I try and use the table as a support. A wheeze is all that I can get out as I try to breath.

"Rex, Jesse, with me," Anakin picks me up in his arms before rushing me from the room.

"No one leaves," I hear Klaus yell, "Lock down the palace."

"I need a medic to the Princess' room," Rex puts the call out over their commons.

"On my way," Hardcase replies.

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