Chapter 6

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I tried messing with the bandages that were wrapped around me, only to be caught by the medical droid, "Padawan, please leave the bandages alone. You will ag-" it stopped short. "Why are you out of bed?

I take this moment of confusion and make a break towards the door. I exit the medical bay area with no one really looking my way. Slowly I make my way to room, once there I change very carefully into a new outfit. It has leggings underneath with a grey top layer, was a one-piece that has a hood to cover her head. As well it has a split skirt with an extra piece of fabric, tael in color, that would cover the split, front and back side.

I brush out my hair before pulling my hood up. It rest in place where the top and back of my head meet. With fresh clothes on, I head to my 212th sleeping courters, "Has the General said anything about us visiting yet?"

"Gregon just went to check since General Kenobi is still in his meeting with the Council," Cody's voice echoes out into the hall.

I open the door fully with the force giving them a heads up before I enter. I might have used a little to much force as it slams open, "Watch what you are doing t-" Waxer stops as I enter his line of sight, "Commander Dominika."

Everyone stands up as I enter. Thankfully they are all clothed, "How are you feeling Commander," Cody steps forward to lead me over to his bunk.

"Sore but I can breathe better now," I follow Cody's gentle push and sit down on his bed.

"Has anyone seen Com-" Doc comes racing into the room. Lifting up his common link, "She is in the 212th Unit.'

"Thank you, Doc, tell her to wait for me there," Master Kenobi's voice replies.

Doc moves over to me when he notices me whines as I adjust my sitting position, "You almost had the whole ship go on lock down."


"Because you skipped out of the medical unit before being cleared and no one could find you,"

"And there is the concern with your age," Longshot stated as he cleans his weapon.

"Longshot," Waxer gives him a smack on his shoulder. With his good hand at his.

"I know I am younger than most Padawans," I state. My back is starting to itch again, "Doc, could you check the bandage? It is bothering me."

"Let me grab my kit, and I will meet you in your room."

Cody walks with me back to my room, "How is Waxer doing," my questions seem to surprise him, "I may not be with you guys all the time as I have two Masters, but that does not mean that I will not care about the men I will have command over one day," unlocking my room Cody stays by the frame as I enter and sit on my floor bed.

"Waxer should be fine in a few days and no one else was hurt. Besides you that is."

Doc arrives and start working on my bandage. Cody turns so that he is facing the hallway but the door is still open.Obi-wan joins them shortly after Doc is finished. They are heading back to Coruscant to get a new mission and to pick up Master Obi-wan's other Padawan Anakin Skywalker, "Is Padawan Skywalker around my age?"

"Anakin is almost finished with his Trails," Master Oni-wan states as we walk towards the bridge, "Once he has finished he will be given his own group of Clones to command and have his own missions."

"Does he know about me?"

"I have told him about you and he can't wait to meet you."

"So I will be coming along?"

"Unless the Council needs you or if your other Master does," it is a common practice to not mention the name of a Shadow Jedi outside of a controlled room or the Jedi Temple.

"General," a clone I had not seen before calls us over to a table, "The Council wishes to speak with you Sir."

"Thank you," we move to a side room that can be sealed off from the rest of the bridge. Masters Depa Billaba, Yoda, Plo Koon, and Shadow Master Taria Damsin.

"Obi-wan, Taisiya," Yoda greets us.

"Master Yoda," Obi-wan greets him in return with a small head nod.

"Masters," I greet them with a small bow that comes from my waist.

"Padawan Taisiya Dominika," a female voice joins the Councils.

Recognizing the dress and crown, I drop down to one knee, crossing my left arm over my chest, "Recognize our guest, you do, Padawan."

"Yes, Master Yoda," I don't move.

"Padawan, you do not need to greet me as such."

"As you wish, Duchess Satine Kryze," I stand back up and face everyone.

"Duchess Satine has come and asked for our help," Master Plo Koon begins, "The Council believes that you, Padawan, would be the best to do so."

"As of 30 minutes ago, Padawan Skywalker is heading your way with the next Princess of Isha," Depa Billaba keeps everything moving.

"I am sure that you heard of the late Doyen passing," Duchess Satine steps in, "As he had no children, all the Chieftains had to challenge for the right to be the leader. Chiefton Damir Gosha will be crowned as the new Doyen within the next week or two."

"His daughter was studying with Senator Amidala and Organa. Now she needs to return for the ceremony, but there have been threats made on her life, " Master Billaba said, " Since you are from Isha, we believe you to be the right choice for this mission."

Looking at everyone, I venture to ask a question but don't want to seem disrespectful, "What is it, Taisiya," Master Kenobi gently presses.

"What is the Princess's name and age?"

"She is 15, and her name is Tais," Duchess Satine replies after looking at a piece of paper in her hand.

"Master Damsin, explain the mission she will," Yoda states before everyone but the Duchess and Master Damsin signs off.

"Padawan Dominika, you will be switching places with the Princess and acting as her decoy till the ceremony is completed or the assassin is caught. Whichever comes first," Master Damsin states.

"Who will know of this switch, and who made this request," I openly lock eyes with the Duchess.

"Doyen Gosha and his wife made the request for protection. They want as few people as possible, knowing that this is happening. The royal court knows that there have been threats and that a request has been made of the Jedi for extra safety."

"The only people to know of the switch will be the council, Kenobi, Skywalker, the Duchess and the Doyen and his wife. As well as a servant that the Doyen has sent to escort his daughter."

"Has she started to wear the ceremonial makeup yet," I again direct my question to the Duchess.


"We will prepare for her arrival," I state, giving a small bow, "May the Force be with you."

"And you as well padawan." 

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