Chapter 7

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After leaving the sealed meeting room, Master Kenobi and I started making plans for the Princess's visit. Almost everything is easy to work out. But how to make the switch? We have an empty officer's room cleaned and decide to let the clones that are coming with Anakin guard the room once they arrive. As well Doc keeps a check on me to make sure that I am healing well. We can't use a healing tank without raising attention as my injury level is not at the level required to use one of the few tanks that the ship has.

Waiting in the hanger, I mess with my high-low skirt and make sure that my hood is covering my hair. As the ship lowers, I take a few calming breaths to settle my mind. MasterKenobi left me to greet the Princess since he was needed on the bridge at thelast second. Cody was also with me, holding his helmet in his left hand, "I can feel your nerves over here, Commander. Just relax kid."

"Stand clear."

Rings out a machinal voice as the ramp to the ship opens. The first people out are two clones. One has blue markings and the other is the standard uniform. Behind them walking down is the Princess, the servant, and a jedi padawan. I wait as they approach us before greeting them, "Princess Tais," I drop to my knee and cross my right arm over my chest, "Padawan Taisiya Dominika."

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Padawan Dominika."

"Commander," Cody growls, knowing I will not stand up till the princess lets me, "Princess Tais, Commander Taisiya was hurt in our last battle and is still healing. Can she please stand up."

A hand gently pulls on my arms to help me stand, "Dominika, you should not stand on ceremony when you are hurt," the Princess states. I get a better look at her now. She is wearing a thick white layer of makeup with her eyelids covered in gold pigment and black liner around the edges of her eye. A light blue cloth completely covers her hair.

"I'm Anakin Skywalker," the new padawan introduces himself, "Is Obi-wan here?"

"Master Kenobi was called to the bridge at the last moment. He instructed me to show you and the Princess to your rooms and go over the plans for the trip. If you would follow me."

I noted how similar the Princess and I are. We are the same height and look to be about the same size. As well as similar features. Cody takes the clones to their room leaving me with just enough time to speak with everyone alone. I ask some basic questions about likes and dislikes. As well as looking over some pictures she had of people that I would need to know, "If you ever get stuck or need to leave quickly just look over at Neia," the princess states as she pulls off her out robe, "I tend to leave things quickly or without reason so it should not raise any alarms."

"I will leave you to rest and we," looking towards Anakin, "need to report to Master Kenobi. The clones are right outside if you need anything."

With a nod of her head we leave, "So you're the double master padawan."

I chuckle, "Is that what they are calling me?"


"I hear you are almost finished with your Trails," I bring his lightsaber to me with the force, "That must be exciting. Being able to go out on your own."

"Hey, be careful with that. I made some changes to it," he snatches it back.

A beeping on both our common links stops us, "Anakin, Taisiya, met me in my room," Obi-wan's voice comes through.

"Yes Master," we reply together.

Somewhere along the way it turned into a race, one that I was winning since Anakin didn't know the ship very well. Still we somehow end up racing each other at the very end to get into Obi-wan's room and of course we both crash into each other and end up tumbling into his room. Kenobi just shakes his head as he moves towards us, "Anakin, you are almost a Jedi Knight you should be leading the younger ones. Not acting like them."

"Ow, ow, ow," I hiss as they pull on my arms helping me up.

Pressing his common link, "Cody, have Doc report to my room."

"Is everything alright, Sir?"

"Taisiya fell on her injuries."

Once Doc arrives, Anakin starts to fill our Master in on the trip to us. I mutter under my breath when Doc hits and has me move my arms around some. But the yelp that escapes me pauses the story, "I suggest bed rest for a few days," when I go to argue, he stops me, "Or at the very least not training and not moving around much."


Once he leaves, "You have a mission that will need you at your full strength," Kenobi lightly lectures, "How are you going to protect the Princess and yourself if you are still hurt?"

"Master," I pause him as a light bulb goes off in my head, "I know how to make the switch."

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