Chapter 2

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Instead of replying to Commander Cody's remark Kenobi instead starts going over a few key things that I should know about the bridge. How to call anyone in command, send out SOS signals, using the map table, and even introducing me to the ship's captain, Captain Xavier. He is not a clone, unlike almost everyone else on board.

"All the men are ready, Sir," Commander Cody joins us.

"Good, we can go over the mission plains as well," my master states, motioning me to follow.

We make our way to the aircraft deck. Men are running around loading ships, arming bombs, and doing other tasks. I decided to practice my cloaking skills since Master wanted to review the mission plains. He looks over his shoulder but doesn't say anything since he can still sense me. Kenobi leads us over to a group of clones that are all sitting together, "Attention," one of the men calls. He is standing a few feet away from the others but not too much.

The men all snap to their feet, "At ease," Cody answers and steps to the side, giving my master the floor.

"Gentlemen, our next mission is to the planet Crait," he pulls out a hologram of the planet, showing it to the men, "New intel suggests that the Separatists are trying to set up a base on the planet. They plan to build a launching point to refuel and supply their ships. Our mission is to scout to see if the information is true and, if so, destroy the base."

"Any questions," the same man from earlier asks.

"One more thing," Kenobi starts, "I have a new Padawan. She will be splitting her training with myself and another Jedi master. Her name is Taisiya Dominika," at this point I drop my cloaking shield. Most of the men have their helmets on, but the ones who don't are clearly shocked, "Master Yoda and Mace Windu appointed her."

"How old is she," one of the men asked.

"Her age is no-"

"13," I cut off Commander Cody, "Paranoid me," I nod in his direction.

"Captain Gregor," one man introduced himself, removing his helmet. He looks like the standard clone but keeps his hair slicked back, "This is Lieutenant Waxer," he points to the man that called everyone to attention earlier. Waxer has a scar by his left eyebrow, "Wooley," nothing stands out for me about him yet, "Boil," he shocks me with his blue eyes as he takes off his helmet, "Longshot," he leaves his helmet on," and Havoc," he takes off his helmet and he has a single strip of hair on top of his head."

I give each of them a head nod, "Crait is known as a salt mining planet. Very little grows there; make sure you have enough water."

Havoc's eyes harden as I tell them also to make sure that they have their grappling hook, "Havoc, come with me," Cody states, walking away from the group.

"Everyone be ready by 15:00," Waxer orders.

"Come, Dominika," Kenobi and I leave, returning to my room. It is silent all the way there. Like last time, Kenobi waits outside my door, "Do you have everything that you will need for this mission," he asks.

"I do. I will change quickly and join you on the captain's deck."

"Very well."

I change into my legging pants and pick out my grey hood to cover my head. I head down to the mess, meeting Waxer on the way. I ensure my pack is filled with water and ration bars for a few days and pack an extra water ration just in case. We both head up to the captain's deck. Master Kenobi is instructing Captain Xavier, "Once we drop out of Hyper-space, we will only need a few minutes before you can be on your way."

"They are not coming with us, Master?"

"What type of ship are we on," he asks.

"A Heavy Frigate, Master."

"We will transfer to an Assault Ship. We can cut our travel time in half with less weight and bigger fuel tanks."

"Instead of the normal week in hyper-space," I speak my thoughts out loud, "It will only take us about three days."

"Correct young one, the Shokz, the ship we are on now will continue to Crait. Staying just far enough away in case there is an outpost."

Soon we are jumping out of hyper-space and transferring ships. Boil, Wooley, Longshot, and Waxer box me in next to Master Kenobi. Cody is off to his right, along with Gregor. Havoc stays as far from me as possible. I don't know what Cody said to him earlier, but his gaze is even darker towards me than before. With our new ship being much smaller, 212th will be sharing a room. Even Master Kenobi and I will share with them. After settling in, Kenobi pulls me into the officers' meeting room. It has been cleared out, and two mats sit on the ground across from each other.

"Master Jarrus gave you a holo-corn to study," he stated, taking a seat, "Let's start with that for today."

I pull out the holo-corn, using the force to guide it to Kenobi since we are as far apart as the room lets us. After opening it Kenobi places the holo-sorn in between us. Our lesson last for about three hours. Most of it was going over information; however, we did practice my concealment and intuition skills. By the end, I tiredly drag myself into my bed. The clones let me through and watch. I can feel their eyes staring at me.

"How is she going to keep up with us when she is tired after only three hours," one of them questions. I make no move to let them think that I heard them.

"Shut it, Havoc," Waxer orders, "Everyone out. Go and check our supplies and weapons."

They leave and I don't see them till mealtime. Most of the crew is shocked to see me, just like the 501st had been, but they say nothing. Their ship Captain was a Clone and would not see the chain of command disrupted. Every day was the same. Wake up, practice with Master Kenobi, eat at meal times and meditate.  Everything was the same till we exited hyperspace.

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