Chapter 4

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"General," Cody calls out into his comlink, "General Kenobi, come in!"

I use my lightsaber to block the shots of the droids, "Where did they all come from?"

We stuck to the plan, but somehow the droids saw us coming, "Three o'clock," Longshot calls out. A small opening in the fencing around the base, "Taisiya could fit and get the door that is off to the right open for us."

He was right I could fit through the opening, but that would leave the men open to attacks from their backside, "What ab-"

"No time, kids," Cody cuts me off, "Get ready to run."

Waxer must have seen the worry in my eyes, "Listen kid, as soon as you get through the opening, we are going to make our way to the door. You got this, unlock it normally, use the force, or cut a hole with your lightsaber."

"Let's go, kid," Cody yells, "On three. One," I stop my blocks, letting Waxer take over my spot, "Two," I turn, facing the opening, knowing what I am going to do, "Three, go, go, go."

I take off, running block shots as I go. Reaching the whole, instead of going through, I start cutting to make the whole bigger. I can't reach the very top of the whole, but I can make it wider and as high as I can so the men can get through, "What is she doing," Havoc's voice can still be heard through the battle noise, "We're going to get killed if she doesn't hurry up and get the door open."

A yelp leaves me as a blast nearly misses my head, "Let's go men, cover her," I hear Cody's order, followed by the sound of boots. They make a semi-circle around my back as I finish up cutting.

"Listen, once I punch this through you need to move," I yell into my comlink, "Ready, go." I push the wall out the other side. I move in front of the men to block the blast as they go through.

"Come on, Commander," Cody calls to me. Blocking one last shot, I dive through. Using my sword to melt the edge of the fence, I move it back into place, cutting the enemy off.

We are behind some supplies, so no one has noticed us. Using this time, we catch our breath before moving. Waxer notices a door leading onto one of the ships is open. Silently, we move into the ship and into a supply room, locking the door from the inside, "I think my com is busted," Cody sighs after trying to get it to work, "Waxer and Taisiya try yours."

"Captain Gregon, come in, Captain," I call on mine.

"Glad to hear your voice sir," Gregon responded, "You had us worried. We could hear the fighting from over here."

"Padawan, where is Cody?"

"Right here, Master, his comlink is broken," I continue, "We could not hold our position but are inside the base and on one of the ships."

"Good work, everyone," Kenobi states, "I want everyone out of there in twenty minutes. Grab what supplies and information you can in that time. But be outside the base in twenty minutes. The Shokz will be here and will send bombers to take out the base. We will meet you there. We ran into our own problem."

"You heard Master Kenobi," I speak up, "I need someone who is good with computers with me," Long shot stepped forward, "Good, everyone else I need you to get supplies and hold an exit route for use. If we are not back in fifteen minutes, leave without us."

"Yes, Commander," Cody responds, "Move out, men."

Longshot and I head deeper into the ship. After finding a few empty rooms of just spare blasters and droid parts, we ended up in a general computer room. We both head straight to different ones, pulling out memory chips and putting new ones in from our bags to get as much information as possible. My com flashes, and I see the 8-minute warning going off. After telling Longshot to hurry, we pull out the last memory chips. Going back the same way we came and meeting up with the rest was fine.

"Five minutes," Cody calls out as we exit the ramp of the ship.  

"Back to the way we came in," I order, "Once we make it out, head to the ridge line."

"Yes, Commander," come from all of them.

This time, I unlock the door that we skipped the first time. Exiting under fire, we race against the clock to get far enough away to escape the blast range of the bombs. As we ran, pinpoint shots were coming from our left. They are almost too good to be normal droids. I turn my head to see two assassin droids headed our way, "Cody, Assassin droids. On our left," I yell over the battle noise.

"Get to the ridge, and we can handle them there," he orders to the men.

I fix myself between the men and the assassin droids. I block what shots that I can, but as Waxer and Havoc start making their way up to the ridge line, "Down!"

Waxer and Havoc stop moving and look back at me. I can watch as the shot moves closer to them. I stop blocking the other shots to use force to knock them down. As they fall, Waxer's forearm is hit. Not hearing them, the assassin droids are right on top of me. One uses the butt of it's rifle and slams it down on my back. A yelp leaves me, I roll over quickly and force-push them back. Jumping on top of one, I move around, yanking it left and right, using it as a shield. The second one ends up shooting and killing the first. Cutting off one arm, the second one's head has a hole blasted through it, "Nice shot, Longshot," Cody states. The sound of bombers incoming stops the conversation, "Come on, Commander," he yells, helping me up and pushing forward, "General Kenobi won't like it if we lose you on the first mission."

"So next mission is an option," I joke as we clear the ridge line. Sliding down the salt hill, we can hear the bombs going off. At the bottom, Havoc is on the far edge of the group, checking over Waxer, "How is he?"

"He got shot," Havoc snaps.

"Knock it off," Waxer orders.

"Sorry I didn't w-"

"Kid, that shot would have hit my chest if you hadn't knocked us over."

"Yeah, Commander," Longshot joins in, "It's a war out there; any day that you can come back is a win."

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