"BRITT HOW DID THE DATE-" Santana announces herself to the room, she instantly freezes when she see's Mia. "I shall leave you to it..." she says smirking at me. "You're fine, Britt is just healing my wounds. I am Mia, lovely to meet you." Mia says holding her free hand out to shake Santana's. "Nice to meet you. I am Santana, Britt's best friend. What happened there?" she says pointing to grace's injury. "I decked a guy. He was a pig." Mia scoffs. "Nice" Santana giggles, approving of Mia's antics. To be fair, it was quite hot what Mia did, being all protective and stuff. "Well, I will leave you two to it." Santana smiles and dismisses herself from her kitchen. "I didn't realise you lived with your friend? I assumed it was...well I don't know what I assumed." Mia asks looking at the space Santana occupied a few moments ago.

"Yeah I do...well I don't, usually. My apartment was basically burned down from a fire in my block. I am just staying here temporarily." I smile. "Oh that's so cool of her." Mia smiles back. "Yeah she's the best. Anyway..." I am instantly aware of the smile that was growing on my face talking about Santana, so I try to change the subject. "...I should probably get going." Mia says, standing up and gathering her things. "Already?" I say, a little disheartened. "Well you iced my hand and it's feeling better." Mia pecks my cheek. "Y-You don't want to stay a bit longer?" I ask her, low key hoping she would say yes. "I'd love to, but this is date one. I don't fuck on the first date, I am a lady like that. Plus, even if I did want something to happen, your room mate is here." she chuckles, I walk her to the front door. 

"Well I can be...quiet?" I shrug. "Oh baby, once I am going down on you, you won't know the meaning of the word quiet." I instantly flush at the thought. "So...is there a second date?" I ask, leaning up the door frame, inches away from Mia's face. "I think so." she smirks. She leans in ever so slightly and kisses me, like really kisses me, I can feel my engines starting to warm up, but she pulls away before either of us get too into it.


(Six Weeks Later...)

I have been dating Mia for almost two months. She is actually a pretty incredible person, we have a tonne in common and I can't wait to introduce her to my friends. Tonight is Friday Night Dinner and Quinn has asked if I want to invite Mia along, to which she agreed. I am so nervous, I haven't introduced anyone to the gang for years!! But Mia is totally game for it. And hopefully tonight is the night that Mia and I will finally do the deed! We have done stuff...but not gone all of the way, but I think I am ready to. I just hope she is too! 

"Gia coming tonight?" I ask Santana as we put away the groceries for over the weekend. "Yeah, I said I would go and get ready at hers and stay there the weekend, so you have the place to yourself." Santana gives a subtle smirk. "Why are you smirking?" I chuckle. "This weekend could be the weekend!" she grins, wiggling her brows at me. "Behave!" I slap her arm, I can feel my cheeks burning. "I hope it happens for you." Santana smiles as she empties the fruit into the fruit bowl. "Why's that?" I ask her as I put away the salad stuff. "I don't know, you just seem happy. Lighter even, you deserve to get laid." Santana shrugs casually. "When was the last time you had action that wasn't from a toy or your own fingers?" Santana boldly jokes. "SAN!" I exclaim, my cheeks growing further red. 

"What? It's natural, sex is natural!" she laughs, not understanding my embarrassment. "I just hope she gives you the multiple orgasms you deserve!" Santana says, throwing an apple up in the air and catching it before taking a bite. "And I want details!" She calls back as she walks out the room. "I'M PUTTING THE REST OF THE GROCERIES AWAY THEN YEAH?" I shout after her, looking at the four brown paper bags that remain. "THANK YOU. LOVE YOU!" Santana shouts back as I hear her walking into her study. 

(Four hours later...)

Santana has packed her bag and left for Gia's. I have agreed to meet Mia at Quinn and Rachel's. No one in the gang apart from San and Q know I have been having these feelings about women. So I am going to quickly break it to them last minute right before Mia arrives. Like ripping off a band aid. I am not nervous to tell my friends, most of them are gay anyway. It's just the 20 questions that will follow. 

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