Chapter 11: The Tangled Web

Start from the beginning

"The great Jun Wong is afraid of spiders?" Tom questions

"I mean a lot of people are but I never expected this....." I said

"Of course! Because I'm normal! Quick, is there one on me?" Jun asks looking for one

"Nah, you're clean. Not sure about normal." D'Angelo says whispering the last part

"Spiders are just solitary creatures who build there homes in dark, quiet places. What's not to love?" Alex says

"Seriously, Alex? Your afraid of of everything except spiders?" Jun questions

"What can I say? I'm a hacker wrapped in mystery, stuck inside a matrix." Alex says

Tom and Thunder walk closer to the cave.

"There's a lot of web, I don't see any Bubblehorns." Tom says

"I'm sure they're smart enough to hate spiders, too." Jun says

"Should we check it out, pal?" Tom asks his dragon

Thunder walks closer to the cave and sniffs it before snarling and turning back to his rider.

"I got your back, Kullersen. Let's do it." D'Angelo says

They both started walking towards the cave.

"Two boys stared doom in the eye. What could go wrong?" Alex says

"Tom, listen to your dragon. It's a bad idea. Let's just go home." Jun says

"I agree with Jun. Something feels off about that cave." I said

Thunder and Light both snarled at the cave.

"Yeah. Maybe Jun, and Y/n are right." Tom says walking back towards us

"Uh, there is no maybe about it." Jun says

Tom climbed onto Thunder's back.

"It's getting late." Tom says

We all climbed on our dragons and flew home.

My brother and D'Angelo walked together out of the lair and I went to go meet up with Luca

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My brother and D'Angelo walked together out of the lair and I went to go meet up with Luca.

Apparently he was in the woods just behind his dome. Which I kinda thought was strange but maybe he just likes the wilderness.

Once I arrived I saw him sitting on a fallen log. I assume it was from the forest fire and I sat down next to him.

"Luca, hey! So, why did you want to meet up?" I asked

"Well, I saw you had some cards and was wondering if I could see them." Luca explains

"Oh, I mean, sure. Their written in rune though and I haven't been able to decipher them yet." I explained

"Hey, this looks familiar. I might be able to decipher it." Luca says

"Wait, really? You can do that?" I questioned

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20 ⏰

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