Chapter 9: Dragons of the Undead

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Merry Christmas everyone and I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Y/n's Pov:

We sat in the visitor's center as Angela was explaining public speaking.

"Public speaking." Angela says

"Yeah!" D'Angelo says

"Cool." Jun says

"Okay." Luca says

Alex sighs and hides her face in her tablet.

"As we've been discussing, in our modern age, with smartphones, video blogs, and social media, learning to speak in public has become a lost art.  That's why, class, for your next assignment, you're all going to give a speech in front of the entire station." Angela explains

Jun raises her hand "Ooh! Ooh!"

"Yes, Jun?" Angela asks

"How long should the speeches be, Mrs, Baker?" Jun asks

"No more than three minutes, Jun. Now I know public speaking will be easy for some of you, but for others.... Where did Alex go?"Angela questions

We all looked around but didn't see her.

"She did that thing where she disappears. Like the wind. Whoosh." D'Angelo explains moving his hands in a wind like motion

"Yeah, she'll turn up eventually." I said

"Alex isn't into public speaking." Jun explains

"Of course, she's not. She's the wind. Whoosh...." D'Angelo says moving his hands in a wind like motion

Jun laughs at this.

"Okay, everyone, that's it for today. Practice those speeches! They can be about whatever interests you, and when Alex reappears, remind her to practice, too." Angela explains

What we didn't know was Alex was hiding behind a seat and heard the whole thing.

All of us minus Luca were in the Dragon's lair practicing our speeches

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All of us minus Luca were in the Dragon's lair practicing our speeches.

"Now, buckle up, wingnuts. I'm about to share with you the life and legend of Chuck Yeager, the greatest aviator to ever strap on a helmet." Tom explains putting on a helmet

Everyone claps for him and Thunder let out a confused growl before smiling.

I then went up next.

"Hello people of Icaris, today I'll be talking about the past, all the way back to the age of Vikings and the legend of where dragons came from." I said

Light let out a happy growl before giving a warning growl.

"Don't worry girl. I'll make sure people still believe it's a legend." I reassured her sitting next her
Jun then walks up to give her speech.

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