Chapter 4: Dragon Club

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Y/n's Pov:

"It looks like something burned its way through. Like a machine." Jun said

Thunder and Light both growled.

"Or a dragon." Tom says petting Thunder's head

"You're saying a dragon did all this damage?" Jun asks

"I don't know, and I'm not sure I want to, so let's get outta here before it comes back." Tom says

"I'm with you on that." I said

I gave Light a small pat and we flew away from the hole with Tom and Jun behind us. But while flying we heard a weak roar.

We turned around when we heard it.

"You heard that, too, right?" Tom asks

"Mm-hmm." Jun says

"Yeah." I said

We then heard another sad growl and saw a hurt Gembreaker dragon.

"Tom! Jun! Look!" I said pointing at the dragon

"It's another Gembreaker!" Jun says

The Gembreaker growled and flopped down.

"That one looks hurt. Come on. Maybe we can help." Tom says

"Yeah, we can't just leave her there." I said

Tom and I flew down towards the Gembreaker.

"What? Help? Tom, Y/n, no! Wait!" Jun says

She dove down after us.

"Kullersens! Gembreakers are not friendly, remember?" Jun says

"We remember. We just fought off three of them like five minutes ago!" I said

"But, we can't just leave an injured dragon alone. Can you?" Tom asks

The Gembreaker growls as Tom and I start walking towards it.

Thunder and Light grab onto our clothing and pulled us back.

"Ah!" We both said

Thunder and Light whined.

"We couldn't leave you two trapped under those rocks either, now could we, pal?" Tom says

"I promise I'll be careful Light." I reassured her

"Yeah, we know you're both concerned, but trust us. We got this." Tom says

Tom and I walked closer to the Gembreaker. The Gembreaker growled and shoot at us.

Our dragons grabbed us and flew behind a crystal to shield us from the blast.

"Okay! Maybe we don't got this!" Tom says

Tom, Jun, and I looked around the corner to see the Gembreaker roar and tried to fly, but fell to the ground.

"Aw, you poor thing." Jun says

Tom and I have Jun a look. This made Jun sigh.

"Okay, okay, you're both right. We should help it." Jun says

"Rakke Town has a hospital in the big dome. Maybe we can find something there." Tom says

"Yeah. It's worth a shot." I said

"To help... a dragon?" Jun questions

"I don't know. Not a lot of other options." Tom says

Our dragons grunted as we climbed on their backs and we flew out of the Crystal realm and through the fissure.

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