CH. 43

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Your apology shocked Jack as he turned to you, a light gasp escaping his mouth as he smiled gratefully. "Thank you.. That means more to me than it should." He muttered, rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment.

"It was.. Unfair. I kinda just mocked you for having an opinion.. so seriously. I'm sorry." You said one more time, determined to carve your sincerest apology into his brain if you had to.

"And I'm telling you it's alright, thank you for apologizing." He let out a stifled giggle at your repetitive apologies and that oddly adorable expression of determination you carried.

You finished up with your chore, scooping up the now folded clean clothes so you could carry them to their respected location. Unfortunately there was a little too much for you to carry, yet fortunately you had a massive clown that would most likely be willing to help out at least a little.. right?

As you picked up a portion of the clothes you motioned down to the rest that remained. "Could you grab those? I can't carry any more." You sighed with a small awkward chuckle. Jack only nodded, scooping up the rest of the laundry before glancing your direction. "Where do I put them?"

"Oh just leave them on my bed, I think there's mainly my clothes in that pile." You hummed, opening the bathroom door wider with your foot so Jack could have no issue squeezing by.

"Well thank you!~" He hummed awfully gleefully at your gesture as he went past you, disappearing down the hallway as you went to (y/s)'s and mom's room to put away their clean clothes. As you finally finished up with your task you made your way back to your own room, noticing Jack sprawled out on the floor.

As you stepped over his limbs you suddenly felt a wave of empathy wash over you as you grabbed your blanket from your bed, laying it over him instead. It's not like you'll need it just yet..



Laughing Jack x Male!readerWhere stories live. Discover now